Niebieski's Archive
Blue's Library
A mod by
Nolan Murillo and The Rest of the Oblivion Community
*In Short;
Like to read books? Or maybe you just want a public library in the game? Well this mod (will be) for you!
Initially an expansion to my own mod, this mod will include a seperate place called Niebieski's Library (or maybe Niebieski's Archive - I have not settled on which I prefer better) which will contain not only every book in the Vanilla game (unless it is a journal, quest item, ect) but new books written by the Mysterious Anlon Urmilol. All of them will be archived in the Library for viewing! but wait! There is more!
Additionally, anyone can add a book to archive of their very own to help increase the size of the Library!
*2*Adding YOUR Books
*3*When you can expect it
This mod will add a large library filled with hundred of books to choose from along with books written by a mysterious author. The new books are all completely new containing information on a mod I will be releasing soon...it is - in a sense - a prequel to that mod.
However this library is infinately huge, as I am opening this mod to the community!
But wait...wouldn't it be hard to keep track of then hundreds of updates as this mod gets distributed and passed around? Yes, which is why I currently only have one way of importing peoples books (more on that in section 2)
Why would we want to add our books? What do we get? Really there is no reason to add a book. However I am not going to "steal" your work by shoving it into MY mod. I will have multiple ways of crediting the authors of the books both in the readme and in game itself!
What is the point? To archive peoples work into one place! Say you made a huge overhaul that added tons of books...for whatever reason someone is REALLY interested in your books, but could careless about adding the 1 gigabye huge overhaul to their game JUST for the books. Well here, you add your books to the archive, I modify the .esp to credit you, and then now that one person can happily go to the archive and get their book! Or another example is promotion.
Let's say for some weird reason this mod becomes huge! well now you plop your "relz" thread or readme into a book format and add it to the archive, next time a update for the archive is available and people download it, your mod info will be available for them to stumble across and consider if they want to download. Essentially - if people do do this - it would be like having the Nexus in game.
*2*Adding YOUR books
Sadly, to make this work properly, I have to make you go through a very round-about way of getting your book into my mod. During the early days of this mods life, this will not happen much, but if I were to just let people plop their book into a space on a shelf in the .esp and laster I merge what has been done there with another persons work, they could overlap, and then have a spaz attack before flinging both books, and potentially other books shelved, all over the floor. so the process goes like this for right now;
Write your book formated to work in Oblivion and add the text to a .txt document. If it uses a custom book jacket, then include the meshes and texture folder. create a folder named "[book name] for Archive" or abriviate, "[book name] for NL" but please do not abreviate the book name! Place the .txt file, meshes, and textures inside the folder. Create a new .txt file named either "readme" or "instructions" to give specific details on certain things, such as; placement, who to credit,only be available for x amount of time, and any other details I should know. Also, if the book does something that requires a script also create another .txt file named "NL [script name goes here]" and place that also in the folder. compress the folder into either a .rar, .zip, or .7z format and then upload them toa file hosting site and send me and email with the download link. Or, if the file size is small enough, email me the archive.
some rules;
Please try not to use custom book jackets. If there are 200 people adding custom book jackets to all their books, the file size begins to add up. However, I will not hold it against you if you do use a jacket.
Please name things accordingly - this is to satisfy my OCD about certain things.
Format your book! I am not going to format it for you. If you send me an unformated book, I will not place it in the mod! (Unless you specfically say in the readme there is no formatting on the book)
Give me a name to credit. I will not "steal" someone's work! No author, no book. (I would prefer to use a real name, but to protect peoples private information I will accept usernames as well.)
Limit the advlt "erotic" novels. There is no limit on advlt content, but I will censor somethings if they get a bit too graphic. (if you are unsure what is "over the limit" and what is not ask me)
Do not take another mod's book without permission!
Do not make books "godly" (i.e adding 100000 gold just for opening it), and if you MUST have your book in and be a "god item" then please specifically label it so others know! If you don't give me a title to notify it is godly, then no book!
By adding your book or using this mod you must acknowledge only a few books in it are my own which are specifically formated so people know. They also use custom book jackets. Please understand any book that may be in the mod does not entirely reflect my thoughts or ideas, but reflects submitters ideas. Do not use this mod to add books to flame others, do not submit spam books (i.e a book with jibberish throughout it; aksdf0wolnaodq), refrain from mentioning modern politics and controversial issues - as this would be a type of trolling. Remember: I will be reading over these books before adding them.
Lastly; I strongly encourage multiple books! There is no limit on how many books you submit (unless you submit so many books, it takes up the entire Library's shelving space) And there is no rule on what language it is in either! But don't think because you wrote something flammatory in a different language that I can't understand it. I am very capable at understanding all off the most popular languages used today (I have magic ways of doing this).
*3*when you can expect it
Well, I am currently finishing up the books I am adding to the mod. After that I just need two models (one for the Archive itself, and one for the shelves) and then I will begin work on this. So saying a specific date it will be out is impossible, but, if all goes well (like I get those models within a week) then I would say by mid June it will be done!
Due to the way it is being constructed, the first version WILL require you to have my mod; Camp Simplicity. But, swiftly after I release the first mod I will make it an independant mod. Aside from that, it will require your attention span to be able to read some books and that is it!

I hope you look forward to it! here is a small sample of a book in it;
Of Faith and Beyond
Anlon Urmilol
Object of Nothing and Everything
In the beginning existed nothing but motionless, perpetual abyss of absolute nothingness with but a thin tiny fragment of an existence that meditated. This existence took no form, and took all forms. This Nothing of Everything was neither god nor human, mortal nor immortal. This was the high power of balance and judgement – this was creation itself. The mediating form grew bored of the absence of any existence by Itself. Nothing at that space changed. There was no such thing as time, and so, he created movement. Movement is dependant on time, and thus, Time was born.
Aezvarem removed a pumping vein from his body and released it to create the kinetic energy required for motion. This motion helped set the flow of time that now exists in the world. However, Time could not affect anything as there was Nothing but time and Itself. And so Aezvarem scratched Itself letting debris fall, and combine into Varemor and Elbien, the first gods to be born by Creation. Creation created gender along with the creation of these gods, dubbing Varemor “men”, and dubbing Elbien “women”.
Daughter-Mother and the Father-Son
Elbien and Varemor – being as they were both of the same creator – were linked to the thoughts of their Creator. Bother were tasked with jobs, both held opposite tasks that combined Created a mutual balance.
Elbien was tasked to birth the light of the world. She worked tirelessly creating balls of powerful light that shined brilliantly and named these the Stars. However, the nothingness that surrounded the Stars lead to them falling, and so Varemor conjured darkness which enveloped the emptiness around the stars to keep them in place. However no job can be done perfectly and there were pockets left of the Nothingness that Stars often drift into, creating potential energy that inevitably becomes kinetic energy, sending the stars falling through the sky.
The Creator was astounded by the pairs work, however, It wanted to add one final touch to the world. He wished for Physical. The Creator, Elbien, and Varemor were simply entities that existed such as their Creator, they were Nothing of Everything. So, the Aezvarem created the Physical world and created Form – or, also known as a shape that contains values that was dependant on the Light created by the Stars.
Elbien and Varemor were proud of each others work, and eventually became Lovers – as Aezvarem intended. Elbien and Varemor began to work together to transform the physical object – the land we live on – into a less boring object. They enjoyed the new idea of Form and Value that they created high ridges, low gorges, rolling planes, and the high mountains. They played with all the possible uses of Form and Value to create the place we live today, however their worked stop one day, as an unruly set of events occurred that deviated their planned paths into a directions that they were not happy about. Their existence expanded.
The Second Era of Gods
Elbien had given birth to four children of gender; two girls, and two boys named Sylvene, Eillen, Lamezaira, and Vonnariego (respectively). Elbien loved her children, and was astounded how they were graced as an entity, much like their parents. Varemor was not precisely happy about this however. In an unexplainable event that existed not outside of him, but inside, he felt something. He felt, Emotion. He was angry, and yet, he was happy. The children were beautiful, but he could not take care of them.
This was part of the Creator’s divine plan, as Aezvarem understood both future, past, and present since he is the one who created the flow of time itself. The Creator – to teach his children – decided to give Varemor what he wanted, by taking his children.
Elbien begged Aezvarem to return her children but It would not. Her tears – sadness – were so strong they became part of the physical world, landing onto our Land in what we now call as “Water”. It was at this moment both realized the existence of Emotion, which was birthed with the children. It was then Elbien and Varemor realized the children contained powers much like their parents. Varemor felt defeated. He knew he had done the wrong thing. He begged the Creator to return the children, but It would not return them.
As time passed, eventually Aezvarem returned the children to their parents. It had been many years since Elbien and Varemor had seen them, and they were shocked when their children were returned. Their bodies had been effected by the Flow of Time.
Aezvarem decided to return the children to help finish the painting they had started, as the children had matured to a state where they could control the release of their power. It was at this point the Creator removed the flow of time from the children and removed the ability to birth further Entities.
Eillen began by creating the fresh water that ran into the salty oceans of the Tears of Elbien and also worked in partner with Lamezaira who created the skies and out atmosphere. Together they created a cycle that keeps the fresh water running fresh and the salt water flowing salty.
Sylvene created tiny objects to help keep the cycle of Existance flowing. These objects are tiny objects that are invisible to our eye. They help support the infinite burning light of a star by making it into a powerful ball of flame. These small invisible objects also helped support the new, first life form of the planet – vegetation. The heat from the sun helped the vegetation grow, while the cycling water that comes down from the skies helps keep the plants alive. In a final act, Sylvene used an incredible force to knock the planet spinning. This made the Day and Night cycle which helped to show Time on the planet.
The other gods were jealous of Sylvene’s work as she did more than any of the others, and received more praise from their parents. Each stepped up to create something that would be more magnificent than Sylvene’s work. Eillen Made the light break to create colour. Lamezaira created Physical Law which effected everything to have a specific energy, and created “Falling”. Vonnariego noticed that none of the gods were capable of really making the Painting perfect, and as the final attempt to impress his parents, he created Life. It was a small, one celled organism which over time spread, and grew into People, who carried out the duties of the gods. However, these “People” were inferior to the gods – just like the gods are inferior to Aezvarem – and were dependant on the Laws created; of Time, Space, and physics.
above literature is of a seperate country. As it was a long time ago, no country had similar beliefs. This excerpt is from a different group of peoples beliefs, no precisely the common Lore found in Tamriel.
Of Faith and Beyond
Anlon Urmilol
Object of Nothing and Everything
In the beginning existed nothing but motionless, perpetual abyss of absolute nothingness with but a thin tiny fragment of an existence that meditated. This existence took no form, and took all forms. This Nothing of Everything was neither god nor human, mortal nor immortal. This was the high power of balance and judgement – this was creation itself. The mediating form grew bored of the absence of any existence by Itself. Nothing at that space changed. There was no such thing as time, and so, he created movement. Movement is dependant on time, and thus, Time was born.
Aezvarem removed a pumping vein from his body and released it to create the kinetic energy required for motion. This motion helped set the flow of time that now exists in the world. However, Time could not affect anything as there was Nothing but time and Itself. And so Aezvarem scratched Itself letting debris fall, and combine into Varemor and Elbien, the first gods to be born by Creation. Creation created gender along with the creation of these gods, dubbing Varemor “men”, and dubbing Elbien “women”.
Daughter-Mother and the Father-Son
Elbien and Varemor – being as they were both of the same creator – were linked to the thoughts of their Creator. Bother were tasked with jobs, both held opposite tasks that combined Created a mutual balance.
Elbien was tasked to birth the light of the world. She worked tirelessly creating balls of powerful light that shined brilliantly and named these the Stars. However, the nothingness that surrounded the Stars lead to them falling, and so Varemor conjured darkness which enveloped the emptiness around the stars to keep them in place. However no job can be done perfectly and there were pockets left of the Nothingness that Stars often drift into, creating potential energy that inevitably becomes kinetic energy, sending the stars falling through the sky.
The Creator was astounded by the pairs work, however, It wanted to add one final touch to the world. He wished for Physical. The Creator, Elbien, and Varemor were simply entities that existed such as their Creator, they were Nothing of Everything. So, the Aezvarem created the Physical world and created Form – or, also known as a shape that contains values that was dependant on the Light created by the Stars.
Elbien and Varemor were proud of each others work, and eventually became Lovers – as Aezvarem intended. Elbien and Varemor began to work together to transform the physical object – the land we live on – into a less boring object. They enjoyed the new idea of Form and Value that they created high ridges, low gorges, rolling planes, and the high mountains. They played with all the possible uses of Form and Value to create the place we live today, however their worked stop one day, as an unruly set of events occurred that deviated their planned paths into a directions that they were not happy about. Their existence expanded.
The Second Era of Gods
Elbien had given birth to four children of gender; two girls, and two boys named Sylvene, Eillen, Lamezaira, and Vonnariego (respectively). Elbien loved her children, and was astounded how they were graced as an entity, much like their parents. Varemor was not precisely happy about this however. In an unexplainable event that existed not outside of him, but inside, he felt something. He felt, Emotion. He was angry, and yet, he was happy. The children were beautiful, but he could not take care of them.
This was part of the Creator’s divine plan, as Aezvarem understood both future, past, and present since he is the one who created the flow of time itself. The Creator – to teach his children – decided to give Varemor what he wanted, by taking his children.
Elbien begged Aezvarem to return her children but It would not. Her tears – sadness – were so strong they became part of the physical world, landing onto our Land in what we now call as “Water”. It was at this moment both realized the existence of Emotion, which was birthed with the children. It was then Elbien and Varemor realized the children contained powers much like their parents. Varemor felt defeated. He knew he had done the wrong thing. He begged the Creator to return the children, but It would not return them.
As time passed, eventually Aezvarem returned the children to their parents. It had been many years since Elbien and Varemor had seen them, and they were shocked when their children were returned. Their bodies had been effected by the Flow of Time.
Aezvarem decided to return the children to help finish the painting they had started, as the children had matured to a state where they could control the release of their power. It was at this point the Creator removed the flow of time from the children and removed the ability to birth further Entities.
Eillen began by creating the fresh water that ran into the salty oceans of the Tears of Elbien and also worked in partner with Lamezaira who created the skies and out atmosphere. Together they created a cycle that keeps the fresh water running fresh and the salt water flowing salty.
Sylvene created tiny objects to help keep the cycle of Existance flowing. These objects are tiny objects that are invisible to our eye. They help support the infinite burning light of a star by making it into a powerful ball of flame. These small invisible objects also helped support the new, first life form of the planet – vegetation. The heat from the sun helped the vegetation grow, while the cycling water that comes down from the skies helps keep the plants alive. In a final act, Sylvene used an incredible force to knock the planet spinning. This made the Day and Night cycle which helped to show Time on the planet.
The other gods were jealous of Sylvene’s work as she did more than any of the others, and received more praise from their parents. Each stepped up to create something that would be more magnificent than Sylvene’s work. Eillen Made the light break to create colour. Lamezaira created Physical Law which effected everything to have a specific energy, and created “Falling”. Vonnariego noticed that none of the gods were capable of really making the Painting perfect, and as the final attempt to impress his parents, he created Life. It was a small, one celled organism which over time spread, and grew into People, who carried out the duties of the gods. However, these “People” were inferior to the gods – just like the gods are inferior to Aezvarem – and were dependant on the Laws created; of Time, Space, and physics.
above literature is of a seperate country. As it was a long time ago, no country had similar beliefs. This excerpt is from a different group of peoples beliefs, no precisely the common Lore found in Tamriel.
Q.You said your books will be using their own book jackets, so to help decrease file size, but still have a more unique book may I utilize these same jackets?
A.Not entirely. To prevent flame from people who are flaming the wrong person (me) thinking my books are speaking slander when it is someone else's, I will have my books in a unique book jacket to help signify those are my books! That way people can know for sure if they are flaming the wrong or right person. However, I will include a choice of a few jackets that you can pick. In your readme you can specify which one you want.
Q.Should I disinclude modern day religion?
A. Yes and no. This mod is a mod that supports a law that is a law of nature; Freedom of Speech. You have your own mind to think, your own mouth to speak, and your own fingers to create and write, and I will not silence this. If it is your beliefs, then feel free to do put it in. However, I strongly suggest not to as some people are rather close minded about accepting someone else's openness for their beliefs and can potentially cause major problems.
Q.Does it have to be lore friendly?
A.No, not at all. Most the books I am adding are not exactly part of TES lore, they are lore from another wonderful person which I have graciously translated (it was originally in Polish) and refined the lore to blend more into TES lore, but still nonetheless, I can tell you, there is no such thing as the goddess Elbien in TES Lore

Q.I know the mod isn't done, but can I begin work now, or submit a book now for the mod?
A.Of course! I would love that infact! It means people are really interested in this mod.
Q.Will this "WIPz" go under like most other WIPz?
A. No, no questions asked. I don't care if the world is going to explode before I can finish this. I don't care if we have the zombie apocalypse, it WILL be finished.
Q.Why does Aezvarem sound familiar?
A.He is partly based off of Akotosh off of TES lore, and partly based off Luke's lore.
Q. [insert question here]
A. [ask in the forms]