Your issues you are going to have to work out. A factor that has been in place for my modded games is my often stubborn insistence that certain mods can and should work together. Careful anolysis has shown time and again that this bias is what has caused my games to suffer. The next thing is laziness in not checking all steps (did I really do a clean install when upgrading? Did I really remove the entire mod resources and replace with the updated versions?, etc).
Not likely that it is about too much unless your playing on an old laptop or something. This is my load order:
Spoiler Active Mod Files:00 fallout3.esm01 anchorage.esm02 thepitt.esm03 streetlights.esm04 brokensteel.esm05 pointlookout.esm06 zeta.esm07 unofficial fallout 3 patch.esm [Version 1.2.0]08 inventory access.esm09 imcn.esm0A destruction.esm0B pointlookout-followersgettogo.esm [Version 2.]0C impervious power armour.esm0D craft.esm0E calibr.esm [Version 1.4]0F xcalibr.esm10 xcalibruniverse.esm11 project beauty.esm12 refurbishes [all].esm13 cubeexperimental (en).esm14 fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm15 mart's mutant mod.esm16 companion core.esm17 companion share & recruit.esm18 robco certified v2.esm19 wasteland whisperer v2.esm1A enhanced weather - rain and snow.esm1B Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm1C dcinteriors_comboedition.esm1D zumbs' overhauled real time security.esm1E ss master file.esm1F ambient temperature.esm20 unofficial fallout 3 patch - operation anchorage.esp [Version 1.2.0]21 unofficial fallout 3 patch - the pitt.esp [Version 1.2.0]22 unofficial fallout 3 patch - broken steel.esp [Version 1.2.0]23 unofficial fallout 3 patch - point lookout.esp [Version 1.2.0]24 unofficial fallout 3 patch - mothership zeta.esp [Version 1.2.0]25 firelightfix.esp26 darnifieduif3.esp27 ambient temperature hud.esp** Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp** Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp28 dynamiccrosshair.esp29 dof-purelow.esp2A tincancrafting.esp [Version 2.0]2B craft - energyammo.esp2C calibrxmerchant.esp2D lmdexpandedhotkeysfo3.esp [Version 0.6]2E princess better prompts v1pt1.esp++ Zombie Sounds V2.esp++ GeneratorSound.esp2F moshman's wasteland ambiance.esp30 galaxynewsradio100[m].esp31 radioblues.esp32 war_radio.esp [Version 1.1]33 people_radio.esp34 invasionradio.esp35 kbatradio.esp36 vtap25.esp37 ghostradio.esp38 mutantradio.esp39 lookoutradio.esp3A radiotenpenny.esp3B radio stutter fix.esp3C radiohotkey.esp3D radiohotkey_radiobluesaddon.esp3E tcos.esp3F conelrad 640-1240.esp40 existence2.0.esp41 upp - pack 1.esp42 upp - pack 2.esp43 upp - original perks.esp44 upp - experience perks.esp45 upp - quest perks.esp46 prewar book titles and perks.esp47 combat style perks.esp48 notsofast.esp [Version 1.07]49 heirapparent.esp [Version 1.73]4A regulators.esp4B nightmarerealm.esp4C tubrrcompound.esp4D stealth kills enabled.esp++ Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.esp4E echo_batterycharger.esp4F householdwaterpurifier.esp50 blackwolf backpack.esp51 gunnysack.esp [Version 1.3]52 1animated nightvision goggles.esp53 fnvfov.esp54 xepha's radial blurred zoom.esp55 down under.esp [Version 1.0]56 expanded megaton house v3.esp57 maintenanceshed.esp [Version 1.3]58 merc.esp59 moremapmarkers.esp5A maxlevelworkaround-hp-bs.esp5B wastelandmastery.esp5C skillcheck.esp5D treasure maps_underground.esp5E treasure maps_secrets of the wasteland.esp5F treasure maps_bobblehead edition.esp60 treasure maps_a fist full of caps.esp++ Destruction - Main.esp61 destruction - main - statics.esp++ Destruction - DLC.esp62 destruction - dlc - statics.esp63 busworldv1.05d.esp64 bzArmour.esp65 ss enhanced combat maneuvers.esp66 mtc wasteland travellers.esp [Version 2.0]67 dcinteriors_dlc_collectables.esp68 rivet city realignment.esp69 megalight.esp++ WastelandRecovery5.esp6A movinonup3.0.esp6B canterbury estates 0.8 beta.esp6C fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp6D fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp6E fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp6F fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp70 fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp71 fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp72 fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp73 fo3 wanderers edition - optional vats realtime.esp++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp74 fo3 quest patch - fwe + bs.esp75 weaponmodkits.esp76 weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp77 weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp78 weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp79 weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp7A weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp7B weaponmodkits - zeta.esp7C alexscorpion's and weijiesen's smoking fun.esp++ Echo_UseBothGloves.esp7D solarscorcher.esp7E tactical weapons by grs frederyck.esp7F zl-acr.esp80 zl-svd-calibr.esp81 missinguniqueweapons-enhanced.esp++ InverseCombatKnife.esp82 playing with firepower.esp83 dogmeat leather armor - craft.esp84 dragonskin tactical outfit.esp85 dragonskinbonuspack.esp86 stealthboy recon armor - craft.esp87 powered power armor.esp88 ppa - operation anchorage.esp89 ppa - broken steel.esp8A ppa - the pitt.esp8B ppa - mothership zeta.esp8C ppa - fwe.esp++ PPA - IMCN.esp8D autogates.esp8E calibr ammo schematics - craft.esp8F craft improvised weaponry.esp90 craft improvised weaponry - unmodeled.esp91 dogmeatessentialmodv1.2.esp92 move-dogmeat.esp++ DogmeatStealth.esp++ ZORTS - Custom HP - FWE.esp93 zorts - disable fwe activate.esp94 companion core dlc addon.esp95 wasteland whisperer v2 broken steel addon.esp96 robco certified v2 mechanist's edition.esp97 robco certified v2 zeta addon.esp98 mr smith's scrapyard.esp++ tubURP.esp++ ThePitt-NoFireFollowers.esp99 weaponmodkits-unique.esp++ YX33A WMK MUW E WMK U Patch.esp9A immersivehealth.esp9B falloutfood.esp++ FalloutFoods - FWE Master Release.esp** Gunfire Sound Range Increased.esp9C eve.esp9D eve operation anchorage.esp9E eve - fwe master release.esp++ EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp++ EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp++ EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp9F mart's mutant mod.espA0 mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.espA1 mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.espA2 mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espA3 mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.espA4 mart's mutant mod - fwe master release.espA5 mart's mutant mod - fwe master release + dlcs.esp++ Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.espA6 mysteriouswoman_corsetntrousers.espA7 imp's more complex needs.espA8 imcn - 5 dlc merged.espA9 imcn - fwe compatibility and ingestibles.espAA imcn - mmm meats, bloods, and eyeballs.espAB imcn - ambient temperature.espAC flashlight-los.esp++ T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp++ ACRForFWE.esp++ SVDForFWE.esp++ DTOForFWE.espAD zumbs' smaller condition effect on item value.espAE gifts4kids.espAF ntfs.espB0 phalanx-obedient-dogmeat.esp++ lessviewdistance.esp++ PiPBoy Light Range x4.esp++ PiPBoy Yellow Light.espB1 enhanced weather - rainbows.espB2 enhanced weather - weather sounds in interiors.espB3 realistic interior lighting.espB4 realistic interior lighting - bs.espB5 realistic interior lighting - oa.espB6 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.espB7 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.espB8 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.espB9 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.espBA Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.espBB Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.espBC Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorm.espBD Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.espBE Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.espBF Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms Damage Armor.espC0 robco certified v2 omnipatch.esp++ RobCo Certified v2 Impervious FWE.espC1 xcalibruniverse.espC2 xcalibr - alternative path.espC3 xcalibruniverse - wmk.espC4 xcalibruniverse_fwe_fps.esp++ xCALIBRammo_FWE.esp++ frederyck+FWE+xCALIBR.espC5 tubunarfwe.espC6 tubunarcombatfwe.espC7 bashed patch, 0.esp
Well this I know about bash/flash - it does not automatically alter any esp (it can, but not automatically - you have to try to do it - to do it). The same goes for save game files (ess). all the things that bash does is more or less reflected in the
bashed patch.esp So if you want to undo the changed just don't use that esp. If the load order gets messed up just turn off lock times and rerun BOSS. Other than that it will have no effect on your game. It is a game manager not a game altering blender. Again while it can make changes to the save game folder (structure) or the AppData folder (if on Vista/Win7) to change the load order - it does not affect the operating system or the registry or anything like that. You should be able to remove it and move on like nothing (except the loss of benefits).
Without knowing the dos error - hard to say. Are you sure it wasn't a python error?
Many folks get tripped up (and get errors) trying to install python and all the component parts on their own, which is why the bash team made the Wrye Python 03a package which does it all for you. (linked in last post).
BAIN is amazing which is why I wrote that tutorial. From that tutorial:
BAIN encourages thinking about what a manual install is and how things work 'under the hood.'
BAIN offers minute control of files and gives sensible conflict reports and control options of resolving those conflicts.
BAIN gives us the ability to manage install order - a term anologous to load order with regard to esm/esp files.
BAIN Provides detailed reports of what it installs and can tell you if what was installed has changed, been overwritten, is missing, or even if a file was not installed.
BAIN requires no special OMOD files and can work with 7zip, rar and other common archiving methods (7zip being the recommended though), as well as, regular file folders (projects).
BAIN offers the ability to create your own packages that can include any number of mods with the limit being only what you can manage to create with file directory juggling.
And much much more.
Basically with my BAIN archives in place I can uninstall and reinstall my entire game load order in short time and I can save the install order of all the mods - even with none installed. I can juggle the install order and immediately see what mod resources conflict with what other mod resources. I know FOMM offers some fine tuning but the scheme of BAIN I find more comprehensive and sensible as it retains the idea of install order. Also FOMM will not tell you if resource files are missing or altered (well not as readily).
My BAIN packages (and hence my install order):
Spoiler Bain Packages:++ 000 - DLC Official-BAIN.7z (7F63D368) (Installed)-- 001 - Cleaned with Master Update-BAIN.7z (3077DA06) (Not Installed)++ 002 - Unofficial Fallout Patch-BAIN.7z (CFE779E3) (Installed)003 - ==Textures and Other Replacers==-- 004 - World Textures BASE 4AcesHiRez-BAIN.7z (9E05DFE9) (Not Installed)++ 005 - NMC Textrues Full-BAIN.7z (C24C0B32) (Installed)-- 006 - NMC Textures Performance-BAIN.7z (765311FF) (Not Installed)++ 007 - World Textures I Terrain and Environment-BAIN.7z (ED4A23B0) (Installed)++ 008 - World Textures II Architecture-BAIN.7z (38AE88BC) (Installed)++ 009 - World Textures III Clutter Furniture-BAIN.7z (D8EDB159) (Installed)++ 010 - Books and Documents-BAIN.7z (979C1714) (Installed)011 - ==Environment==-- 012 - Environment Overhauls-BAIN.7z (00B24B9B) (Not Installed)++ 013 - WastelandRecoveryV10-15468-1-0.7z (BD1BB7AF) (Installed)++ 014 - Weather Compilation-BAIN.7z (B8C05EBD) (Installed)++ 015 - Dynamic Weather-BAIN.7z (C7D56A97) (Installed)-- 016 - Fellout-BAIN.7z (21312BB7) (Not Installed)++ 017 - Lighting Compilation-BAIN.7z (7ED5C7FF) (Installed)++ 018 - DOF and View Distance-BAIN.7z (F24E8AB6) (Installed)019 - ==Sound and Radio==++ 020 - World Textures IV Sky and Moon-BAIN.7z (55D864EF) (Installed)++ 021 - Sounds Compilation-BAIN.7z (25D218FD) (Installed)++ 022 - RADIO Base.7z (0376AB42) (Installed)++ 023 - RADIO - GNR More Where That Came From-MP3.7z (D156EDD4) (Installed)++ 024 - RADIO I Lore.7z (A8C6FE1C) (Installed)++ 025 - RADIO II Expansions.7z (960CA024) (Installed)++ 026 - RADIO III Parjay.7z (4C693FB9) (Installed)++ 027 - DLC Refurbish-BAIN.7z (9AC20E8C) (Installed)028 - ==Game Tweaks Early==++ 029 - Destruction-BAIN.7z (ABC39645) (Installed)++ 030 - Gunfire_Sound_Range_Increased_1_01-14248.rar (209B6B0C) (Installed)++ 031 - CALIBR-CRAFT Base-BAIN.7z (C0797BAE) (Installed)++ 032 - CALIBR-CRAFT Extensions-BAIN.7z (B44BF7FE) (Installed)++ 033 - CALIBR-CRAFT Weapons-BAIN.7z (E42A15BD) (Installed)++ 034 - Perks and Skills-BAIN.7z (3BA19052) (Installed)++ 035 - Leveling and Skill Mods-BAIN.7z (352AF139) (Installed)++ 036 - Hotkeys and Game Tweaks-BAIN.7z (633EF39E) (Installed)++ 037 - Expanded_Hotkeys-15301-v0-6Alpha.rar (A2EC4660) (Installed)++ 038 - Dialogue and Economy-BAIN.7z (5D5862EA) (Installed)039 - ==Overhauls==++ 040 - FWE_6-BAIN.7z (29D84357) (Installed)++ 041 - level_up_freeze_fixes_for_FWE_MMM_OA_DLC_ver_2.rar (6BE03E62) (Installed)-- 042 - DLM_OA DLC Fix.rar (FBF81C4C) (Not Installed)++ 043 - Weapon Mod Kits-BAIN.7z (F1E41063) (Installed)++ 044 - EVE - BAIN.7z (411B0D73) (Installed)-- 045 - ImmaFirinMahLazor-BAIN.7z (E7DF986E) (Not Installed)++ 046 - MartsMutantMod-BAIN.7z (2F0B8B88) (Installed)++ 047 - FOIP-BAIN.7z (584A9343) (Installed)-- 048 - Fook+FWE Merger-BAIN.7z (896BA56B) (Not Installed)-- 049 - Realistic Wasteland-BAIN.7z (924699E4) (Not Installed)050 - ==Encounters==++ 051 - Encounters-BAIN.7z (D71E077F) (Installed)++ 052 - Iguanas-BAIN.7z (6EF2F53E) (Installed)-- 053 - Spawn and Time Control-BAIN.7z (3C03A75D) (Not Installed)-- 054 - C.I.B. Creatures-BAIN.7z (D7CA77DF) (Not Installed)-- 055 - STALKER Mutants-BAIN.7z (73DB790F) (Not Installed)-- 056 - Zombie Apocalypse-BAIN-10346.7z (F8A09BD6) (Not Installed)-- 057 - Zombie Cemetary-BAIN-6254.7z (4839D080) (Not Installed)++ 058 - Voice and Creature Sounds-BAIN.7z (E93DC411) (Installed)059 - ==Locations==++ 060 - Interiors-BAIN.7z (B8A1987F) (Installed)-- 061 - Location Additions-BAIN.7z (672E75D6) (Not Installed)++ 062 - Busworld-BAIN.7z (B07B6CD6) (Installed)-- 063 - BusWorld_105d-fixed.7z (EA73E74A) (Not Installed)++ 064 - HOMES - Random-BAIN.7z (9BDC0251) (Installed)-- 065 - HOMES - Princess Houses-BAIN.7z (7A5E0414) (Not Installed)-- 066 - HOMES - Yevic Houses-BAIN.7z (CA3A13B4) (Not Installed)-- 067 - HOMES - Eldiabs House Mods-BAIN.7z (C393D743) (Not Installed)++ 068 - (8CD02891) (Installed)-- 069 - TOWN - Megaton-BAIN.7z (3FE06746) (Not Installed)-- 070 - TOWN - Canterbury-BAIN.7z (1B93F154) (Not Installed)-- 071 - TOWN - Big Town-BAIN.7z (ADFCEBF5) (Not Installed)++ 072 - TOWN - Rivet City-BAIN.7z (5C30E1F2) (Installed)-- 073 - TOWN - Girdershade-BAIN.7z (8FCEB1BE) (Not Installed)-- 074 - TOWN - Arefu Expanded-BAIN.7z (E3D3D601) (Not Installed)-- 075 - TOWN - Rockville-BAIN.7z (1BE32EA3) (Not Installed)++ 076 - TOWN - Colby East-BAIN.7z (C40D5CFE) (Installed)-- 077 - TOWN - Shady Sands-BAIN.7z (7809845D) (Not Installed)++ 078 - TOWN - MizunoTakarai-BAIN.7z (8A5C7401) (Installed)++ 079 - Canterbury_Estates_08_BETA-10323.rar (783EDDB5) (Installed)-- 080 - Auto_Gates_V12-15685-1-2.7z (3693AEEB) (Not Installed)++ 081 - Auto_Gates_v13-15685-1-3.7z (38B21BD4) (Installed)082 - ==Quests==++ 083 - QUESTS - Faction Mods-BAIN.7z (EF818310) (Installed)-- 084 - QUEST - CARFORT with Quests-BAIN.7z (7AE0619E) (Not Installed)++ 085 - QUEST - Cube Experimental-BAIN.7z (58B52660) (Installed)++ 086 - QUESTS - Puce Moose-BAIN.7z (4015DC82) (Installed)++ 087 - QUESTS - Treasure Maps-BAIN.7z (98E41138) (Installed)++ 088 - QUEST - Nightmare Realm-BAIN.7z (B70BD987) (Installed)++ 089 - QUEST - Rat Trap-BAIN.7z (2AC4EFBA) (Installed)++ 090 - QUEST - Mantis Imperative-BAIN.7z (3DFFA097) (Installed)++ 091 - QUEST - Project Genesis-BAIN.7z (F12F3252) (Installed)++ 092 - QUEST - Solar Scorcher-BAIN.7z (C3840DEB) (Installed)++ 093 - QUEST - The Regulators-BAIN.7z (004C0542) (Installed)-- 094 - QUEST - Crimson Caravan-BAIN.7z (3BB7808A) (Not Installed)-- 095 - QUEST - The Institute-BAIN.7z (559690F0) (Not Installed)-- 096 - QUEST - Quest for Haven-BAIN.7z (E869F581) (Not Installed)-- 097 - Mothership Zeta Crew-BAIN.7z (767EB5FF) (Not Installed)-- 098 - Waysted Resource Pack-BAIN.7z (31307029) (Not Installed)-- 099 - The Foundation-BAIN.7z (8BDB1982) (Not Installed)++ 100 - Fallout 3 Quest Patch (Broken Steel).7z (A273B08E) (Installed)++ 101 - Gifts4Kids-BAIN.7z (B4D709F6) (Installed)++ 102 - Zumbs_Smaller_Condition_Effect_On_Item_Value_v_1-0-14652.7z (C2657FBA) (Installed)103 - ==Companions==++ 104 - Companion Control-BAIN.7z (1CAB0705) (Installed)++ 105 - Companions-BAIN.7z (E8BD132A) (Installed)++ 106 - Talkie Companions-BAIN.7z (EE73A8BD) (Installed)++ 107 - Dogmeat-BAIN.7z (1C693078) (Installed)-- 108 - Motorcycle-BAIN.7z (DF317E3C) (Not Installed)109 - ==Realism and Immersion==++ 110 - Immersion Mods-BAIN.7z (9F15731E) (Installed)++ 111 - Realism and Survival Mods-BAIN.7z (EB59AE2D) (Installed)++ 112 - ImpPerverse-BAIN.7z (B8651B3D) (Installed)++ 113 - Powered Power Armor-BAIN.7z (2A628D2E) (Installed)++ 114 - Fallout Food-BAIN.7z (DD9B5B96) (Installed)-- 115 - See You Time for Bed-BAIN.7z (AD16875F) (Not Installed)-- 116 - Fallout_Fatigue_v2-15339-1.7z (70B60FF1) (Not Installed)-- 117 - (C5DDD1A0) (Not Installed)118 - ==Beauty and Body==++ 119 - Project BeautyHD-BAIN.7z (2019DD65) (Installed)++ 120 - Body Mods Female-BAIN.7z (A6595A88) (Installed)++ 121 - Animations and Idles-BAIN.7z (D372D8F5) (Installed)-- 122 - Animated Prostitution-BAIN.7z (18F22C6B) (Not Installed)-- 123 - Heights-BAIN.7z (20CCBFCF) (Not Installed)124 - ==Game Tweaks Late==++ 125 - Combat and Stealth Tweaks-BAIN.7z (E884CC13) (Installed)-- 126 - Wounding and Burning-BAIN.7z (46EFAD64) (Not Installed)-- 127 - Combat Overahuls-BAIN.7z (33397225) (Not Installed)++ 128 - Weapon Handling-BAIN.7z (EA64E379) (Installed)-- 129 - RH IronSights-BAIN.7z (FF1D0CC3) (Not Installed)-- 130 - ISA Ironsights-BAIN.7z (2FB396D6) (Not Installed)++ 131 - Dynamic Crosshair-BAIN.7z (C964B665) (Installed)132 - ==Gear and Equipment==++ 133 - Pip Boy Base-BAIN.7z (3F5B14F0) (Installed)++ 134 - Pip Boy Classic Mods-BAIN.7z (6A5C13A9) (Installed)-- 135 - PipBoy Hologram-BAIN.7z (1AA3C4C8) (Not Installed)-- 136 - PipBoy Readius Skin Kit-BAIN.7z (C5455487) (Not Installed)++ 137 - Flashlight_v1-5-15003.7z (4D1BF95F) (Installed)++ 138 - XCALIBR-BAIN.7z (392A2087) (Installed)++ 139 - Talkie Weapons and Armor-BAIN.7z (9400A848) (Installed)++ 140 - NTFS_v1_1b-14348.7z (5C569017) (Installed)++ 141 - StormFront-BAIN.7z (F90DB0CE) (Installed)-- 142 - Advanced Recon-BAIN.7z (E4DD0895) (Not Installed)++ 143 - Smoking fun-BAIN.7z (1A90E7D5) (Installed)++ 144 - Missing Unique Weapons-BAIN.7z (89982DF8) (Installed)++ 145 - (15D784AC) (Installed)++ 146 - Tub Unique Armors-BAIN.7z (E652C038) (Installed)++ 147 - Frederyk Tactical Weapons-BAIN.7z (220489DA) (Installed)-- 148 - FWE Weapons Pack-BAIN.7z (94BC68BE) (Not Installed)-- 149 - FWE Add Ons-BAIN.7z (44AD0346) (Not Installed)++ 150 - T3T FWE Add Ons-BAIN.7z (CB20CF64) (Installed)-- 151 - 19th and 20th Century Weapons-BAIN.7z (AB2C2369) (Not Installed)-- 152 - FWE Ironsight Overhaul Kit-BAIN.7z (7E294BC2) (Not Installed)153 - ==HUD based mods==++ 154 - DarnUI-BAIN.7z (7E60A36D) (Installed)-- 155 - DarN-Revelation UI-BAIN.7z (48C2CB3E) (Not Installed)-- 156 - Unified HUD Add Ons-BAIN.7z (6578CE64) (Not Installed)-- 157 - Unified HUD-BAIN.7z (CF9F27EC) (Not Installed)158 - ==Last==++ 159 - Loading Screens-BAIN.7z (C21400C4) (Installed)++ 160 - MUSIC-Fallout Past Games-BAIN.7z (B1CBD49C) (Installed)++ 161 - MUSIC-STALKER Games-BAIN.7z (02AC8E0A) (Installed)++ 162 - High Definition Overhaul-BAIN.7z (FFCD7D86) (Installed)++ 163 - VTAP TG Experiment-BAIN.7z (17DA763B) (Installed)