I don't know where the idea came from that dismemberment and decapitation in combat is "realistic". In all of the medieval wars in Europe and Asia, I seriously doubt that there was a SINGLE case of decapitation in combat due to a hand-held weapon, or more than a handful of "unusual" cases where a limb was severed by being pinned between a wall or other fixed object and a large axe or two-handed sword. Cutting through that much muscle and bone is next to impossible without something as a "backstop" to keep the body or limb from pushing away from the impact. That's why an executioner uses a "chopping block" or other means of holding the victim in place, otherwise beheadings would NEVER succeed. There were frequent failures, even WITH a chopping block and a bound and helpless victim.
I'm sorry to be the one to burst your bubble of a fairy tale world, but you are completely mistaken. I won't post or pm any links (don't bother asking), but you can find all the proof you could want online with even the most cursory google search. Many of the videos come from WWII, where rogue members of one country's forces regularly beheaded prisoners of war (among other people) for sport. They had competitions for who could behead the most people in a given amount of time, among many other atrocities. I don't mean to single out one country, because rogue members of all militaries do that kind of thing (Always have, and always will). It is just the rogue members of one nation's military happened to use katanas and beheadings in their leisure games, and they were documented well. I emphasize that the people doing suhc things were rogue members of the forces. Blood generally squirts from about 3' to 10'+ (1m to 3m+) vertically from the wound, depending on the health and anxiety levels of the victims. I've never seen one fail to cut cleanly through on the first attempt.
And regarding the chopping blocks... they were to immobilize the victim, and to control where the heads and blood fell. I can't vouch for their accuracy, though, as I have never seen such an execution.
If you want some less disturbing proof, watch Time Warp-- specifically the episode named "Samurai Sword Master." They use a katana against various pieces of raw pork, including thick bones. It cleanly slices through everything easily. Nothing on (or in) the human body would be even that hard to cut through. Therefore, the ways in which the human body can be dismembered with a sword is only limited by the imagination of the swordsman.
So, again, this is one area that is severely lacking with the ES series. All these swords, and yet we have perfect corpses every time. Fighting with swords is brutal and bloody, and I would like to see this reflected in a more realistic manner in future ES games.

An option for gore and dismemberments should probably be there, for those who don't like to see how brutal reality really is. But gore and dismemberments should def be there. Or, perhaps we should get a petition started for God to make war pretty?