Well, as Blade said, there are ways to make events within the game interesting even to those that have played them countless times. However, the tutorial would take some major creative license to make it new enough to keep people reading. The beginning of a story is the most important part to attracting readers, and telling all about how the emperor visits your cell and opens a secret passageway is certainly old news :shrug:
Start in prison if you like, but the old tutorial is horribly overdone, not to mention in rather poor taste to begin with. I would much rather read a story that starts with something new and exciting; though if you have already started writing it from the prison there is nothing to say it cannot be a good story.
Basically all anyone can tell you is that it is your story, do with it as you will, but taking things directly from the game is old news. You can put a twist to them, or make them more realistic, or even have a "what if" scenario, but in the end it's still probably been done. Of course, there is no such thing as a new idea in writing; all I can say is do what you want to do, and what feels right to you

I always support the writing of any kind of story though, so good luck with whatever you decide to do

I'm sure it will be great :goodjob: