I quite agree, Jonas, even though you're a Fallout-er

I have several fond memories of RPing alongside you, particularly in the horribly managed yet dastardly fun RP "The Runaways" by Dark Fox. I would have loved to continue such an RP, it had such great potential, but suffered from a few people dropping out and a bit of poor hosting. Not to mention my Hannibal Lecter character, by far one of the most uber yet awesomely fun people I've ever done
Anyway, as I was saying, I do not think anyone would doubt your improvement, along with your skill :tops: While not all of us will go down in forum history like IN, Sparrow, FC4, Nova, HK, Ambrose, Rumple, Alexander, ADETH, Elgen, Aula, Uglius, IB, Sibera, Peleus, etc. (as many people as I can think of off the top of my head that I know and respect, basically) we can still have an awesome time doing it