changing animations depending on skill

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:18 am

i was in (another) spear thread, and i posted this. and it would work for all weapons.

martial art isnt different from medieval. and honestly- the best system would be to change animations as you level/get perks

level 1 (1 to 24 or first spear perk) spear is held and player stabs in an inefficient way

level 2 (25 to 49 or second perk) player thrusts and holds the spear efficiently .

level 3- (50-74 or third perk) player uses his spears like a hoplite and glaives/halberds like a samurai

level 4- (75-99 or fourth perk) player uses his polearms like level 3 only with a little more skill shown

level 5 (100 or perk) Hollywood kong fu movie level of awesomeness

on top of this, it would be nice if opponents started shaking whilst scared, or looked tired when injured or fatigued. but do remember that when i say "second perk" i am not sure on whether there is ranked perks, a perk tree with branches or with twigs,
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:00 am

It was kinda like this in Oblivion, but it felt atrociously weird as it was inverted. take hand to hand combat, when as skilled as a grilled tomato, your character actually had kung-fu moves, then you get some skillZ, and you see your character yelling like rambo getting his balls crushed by a squirrel UEEAAAAR with the weirdest animation ever, like he's trying to plant a banana tree with a chopstick and dance some kind of [censored] boogie-woogie helicopter-style thinking he's gonna fly or something.

Injuries animations would be also nice yep.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:48 am

martial art IS different from medieval style combat. you have to realize that the purpose of medieval battle was usually to break an opponent's armor or find weak points. therefore it was less about actual fighting style and more about strength. most medieval combat was just up close bashing.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:00 am

It's something that requires a lot of work for little gain. Generally, I like the idea, but I doubt it's within the resources. Also, I'd not screw up the generally good idea by making high level combat look silly. I don't want my character to swing the weapon like a hollywood-ninja-samurai, ever.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:57 am

The idea is good, but it's a lot of effort (even for behavior animations) for little purpose.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:15 am

martial art IS different from medieval style combat. you have to realize that the purpose of medieval battle was usually to break an opponent's armor or find weak points. therefore it was less about actual fighting style and more about strength. most medieval combat was just up close bashing.

You should maybe research something before making a statement like that, it's simply untrue.

In the middle ages they had SCHOOLS for people to learn to fight, you can find historical combat manuals from teachers like Hans Talhoffer and others.

here is a link to some:

In the middle ages it wasn't about "bashing people with raw strength." There were a TON of things to leanr, from various stances to use depending on your weapon and who you are fighting, to hand to hand techniques and wrestling, etc. Medieval combat is FAR from what you see in Hollywood, two guys bashing away with swords, hitting them against each other til one finally stabs the other. In real life people would be up close, one guy might try to trip the other, disarm him, pull his shield away, there were a TON of things they did back then.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:35 pm

Yes, it's logical and everything but i don't know if we'll see that. If the added at least small differences it would be enough to make combat a huge leap more engaging.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:55 pm

You should maybe research something before making a statement like that, it's simply untrue.

In the middle ages they had SCHOOLS for people to learn to fight, you can find historical combat manuals from teachers like Hans Talhoffer and others.

here is a link to some:

In the middle ages it wasn't about "bashing people with raw strength." There were a TON of things to leanr, from various stances to use depending on your weapon and who you are fighting, to hand to hand techniques and wrestling, etc. Medieval combat is FAR from what you see in Hollywood, two guys bashing away with swords, hitting them against each other til one finally stabs the other. In real life people would be up close, one guy might try to trip the other, disarm him, pull his shield away, there were a TON of things they did back then.

I agree with you that it wasn't about bashing people with raw strength, however i have to point out "The Middle Ages lasted approximately 900 years. It began around 500 AD and lasted until about 1400 AD." You're link provides with techniques that are mostly 1400+ which goes into the Renaissance age. Infact it even states at the top of your link "renaissance martial arts." :)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:54 am

I agree with you that it wasn't about bashing people with raw strength, however i have to point out "The Middle Ages lasted approximately 900 years. It began around 500 AD and lasted until about 1400 AD." You're link provides with techniques that are mostly 1400+ which goes into the Renaissance age. Infact it even states at the top of your link "renaissance martial arts." :)

It covers both, if you look at some of the manuals there are some detailed ones from the 1200's that feature similar things. Also you should note, that technology wise, the TES lore with it's full plate armour/weaponary is more comparable to the 1400's (which is the height of the late middle ages that most people picture when they assume middle ages, full plate armour, knights, etc). Which many of those manuals are made for fighting against plate armour and such.
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