I'm making a personal little mod that I unfortunately won't be able to release as I am snagging a few resources from some other mods not available for tossing back out. Basically what I am doing is using the http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4667 file adjusted to make the new dogs it adds look like wolves. Specifically I am using the MMM version of it to do so since I run MMM myself, but what I was popping in here for was to ask if anyone things I should add any specific Tags for this in my userlist to get it to integrate properly, and it looks like the original is not yet in the Masterlist as of yet, so no basis to compare to?
A bit of a delay (sorry), but the tag for this is Graphics. This will make the Bashed Patch point to your mesh, which points to you texture. At least thats how I understand how it works.
I'm still on with masterlist commits, tho it's been pretty quiet lately, so thought it was time for a little bump.
I recently updated the tags on WMK, i needed delev and relev, otherwise the chances of finding modded weaopns on raiders and mercs would be miniscule. Also added an NPC.AIData tag due to the changes it makes to Flak and Shrapnel, allowing them to sell the mod kits they have in their inventory. Any beauty / NPC overhaul would negate this.
Also added the CRAFTable WMK mods, think these are a great idea, plus one of the many mods that adds Wanda, a unused unique weapon, which can then be used by WMK too! :woot: