"Veronica is a 21 years old Imperial who lived in Cheydinhal with her family. Her parents died when she was 13 years old in 3E425 living with her 25 year old brother. With 17 years old Veronica leave her house to begin a new journey toward Cyrodiil. Veronica now lives in Skingrad in Rosethorn Hall, she collects artifacts, rare books and all kinds of armor and weapons, she normally uses a Bow, Light Armor for a better locomotion or Heavy Armor for Important quests.
Everyday Veronica goes to the Chapel of Cheydinhal, talking with their parents by Mistic-telepathy witch is a gift from her ancestors. She can only talk with her mother for 60 secs per week, her father can not be contacted by telepathy, for unknown reasons, but her mother says everything is okay, and she's waiting for her and for her brother, when they die.
Veronica is the listener of the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood, she's there because her parents were Speakers of the Black Hand since 3E390, her brother Sepht, is the Silencer, and her uncle is one of the Speakers, so some of her family is there.
Veronica doesn't talk to Sepht since 3E431, she only know her brother is one of the Black Hand members but she never meets him. Also Veronica is one of the Grand Champion of the Imperial City Arena, there, Veronica trains her Marksman and Blade skills. She's a Destruction Magic Teacher of the Mage's Guild, she teach twice per week.
She doesn't have to much friends but her best friend his a Dark Seducer named Nelrene."
So lets now begin the fan fiction, this is the past life of Veronica Vultori between the Time of Birth until the age of 17...
1- The Time of Birth (12th Second Seed 3E412)
It was 12th Second Seed 3E412, exactly 900 years after the first mention of the name "Dark Brotherhood" in 2E412. Her Parents Natasha Vultori and Diego Vultori are members of the Dark Brotherhood in secret, leaving his eldest 12 year old son without knowing anything. Veronica Vultori as born 5 minutes before midnight of the 12th day Second Seed being exactly the same time that the name "Dark Brotherhood" reached the ears of the Morag Tong, an ancient organization wich comemorates the "Murder" on behalf of the Deadric Prince Maphala.
In the moment Veronica was born, Natasha started to rave and fainted, only 3 hours later woke up. Diego along with Vicente Valtieri, a closer friend of the family, gave the blessing of Sithis and the protection of the Night Mother to Veronica. Two hours later the members of the Black hand getting noticed the event and started looking at the old documents at the secret Sanctuary to get more information about the hour that Veronica was Born because Aval Uvani, one of the Black Hand Members was intrigued by the exact time that Veronica was born. Natasha wakes up three hours later and can see that his daughter is in a good mood and that Sepht is happy to have a new sister.
2- An Obligation to Comply (20th Second Seed 3E412)
Eight days passed and the Black Hand knocked the door of the Vultori Family House, Sepht opne the door and scared with the men ask:
-Sepht: Who are you? what do you want?
-Aval Uvani: Where's your father? we need to talk to him.
-Sepht: First, let me know who are you.
-Aval Uvani: We are friends of your father e we want to talk to him! its urgent!
Sepht had no choice but to call his father Diego who was currently in the basemant. Diego appears and with no choice to ask to enter for a converstion, Natasha looked at Diego and said in low tone:
-Natasha: I already told you not to leave the affairs of the Dark Brotherhood reach out to our children?
-Diego: I had no choice Natasha! what you wanted me to do? told them to leave?
-Natasha: You know very well that I want our children do not enter the Dark Brotherhood at all! I do not want them to have the same life we are having!
-Diego: I also wish that, but now I gotta go talk to them. I'll take them to the basemant, take Sepht to a place where he can't hear us.
Diego invited the members of the Black Hand to get into the basemant for a brief conversation, Aval Uvani along with three more who acompain him were, Arquen, Mathieu Bellamonte and Banus Alor. Since coming to the basemant Aval Uvani just wanted to go right to the point:
-Aval Uvani: Some days ago, we receive the new that your child was born.
-Diego: Yes, my daughter was born 8 days ago.
-Aval Uvani: Did your daughter was born exactly five minutes before midnight of 12th Second Seed 3E412?
-Diego: For the calculations was exactly 5 minutes before 13th Second Seed, but wonder why you're asking superiors?
Aval Uvani amazed looked the other with a look of awe and passed the word to Arquen:
-Arquen: Based on our old documents, your daughter was born exactly 900 years after the Dark Brotherhood has been announced to Morag Tong.
-Banus Alor: What that means is very likely that your daughter has been sent by Sithis to save the Dark Brotherhood of certain dangers ahead.
-Arquen: Well, we think your daughter should join the Dark Brotherhood in advlthood.
-Diego: Well, I don't know what to tell, I have to talk to my wife and I have to think about it.
-Aval Uvan: But who say that you have to think?
-Diego: Wait, are you saying it is mandatory?
-Aval Uvani: Without any doubt! She will have to join us in advlthood, otherwise it will be murdered by our agents with the whole family including you.
-Diego: I do not allow it! I do whatever I want with my daughter!
-Aval Uvani: We'll see in a few years. Until then think well with this deal!
Moments later the Black Hand leaves the basemant and look for Veronica Vultori, Aval Uvani passes his hand on the child's head saying:
-Aval Uvani: Shurely in this child's veins, runs the true blood of Marcus Vultori...
-Arquen: May Sithis protect this child. The Black Hand leaves home and scared, Natasha runs to the basemant and finds Diego sitting on the old wooden bench with his hands on his head and with a look of sadness looks to Natasha and says:
-Diego: It seems that our desire to keep our children away from the Dark Brotherhood will not be realized.
-Natasha: You're trying to say that ...
-Diego: YES! the Black Hand wants our daughter .... our beautiful daughter .... to enter in the Dark Brotherhood in advlthood ... or they will kill us all. Natasha with the tears trickling down his face hugs Diego tightly and sobbing with tears ask why her daughter must join the Brotherhood. Diego replies that he isn't guilty of being a Vultori and that his ancestors were connected with the Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood, and it seems that Veronica had been born at the time that 900 years ago had apparently founded the Dark Brotherhood.
Hope you like it! Leave a coment