Versatile Weapon Enchantments

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:49 pm

I once made an orc in oblivion and managed to get to master in blunt, so I grabbed a daedric warhammer and went out into a cave and did the mastery move on some ogres. Damn...that was awesome!!! But when I got out of the cave I realized it wasn't awesome enough, what if I could have an enchantment on my warhammer that lets me shoot out a massive shockwave of electricity in every direction when I do the mastery power attack? I thought to myself "Too bad I cant enchant my warhammer like that and my name isn't Thor so I'm not cool enough to do that anyways."

Well now that Skyrim is coming up all I can think of is why shouldn't we have awesome enchantments like that...Damn just thinking of all the awesome enchantments that could be implemented is getting me happy :celebration:. Just imagine if you had a flame enchanted sword that did x amount of dmg over 10 seconds BUT THE EFFECT STACKED!!! You get the idea right I want some versatile enchantments in skyrim, like I want to be able to make a warhammer that chains lighting each time I swing it so if I get attacked by 1,000,000 mudcrabs they wont stand a chance!

Now let me organize some of the blade/blunt/bow enchantments that I think should be implemented based on element

1. Each attack sears through armor, eventually burning flesh.
2. Each attack does x amount of fire damage over x seconds but the effect stacks
3. Performing a mastery attack with a two-handed weapon sends out a wave of fire that ignites everything around you doing x damage for x seconds and does not stack
1. Each attack slows down your opponents actions by x% for x seconds but the effect stacks
2. Each attack does a large boost of frost damage but your opponent gradually builds ice on his body with each attack increasing his armor and his frost resistance
3. Doing a mastery attack with a two-handed weapon sends out a wave of freezing winds freezing everything around you for x seconds.
1. Each attack does a large amount of lightning damage but gives your opponent a power boost by increasing all attributes by x.
2. Each attack does x amount of lightning damage and bounces to other opponents x times (and if I somehow got this enchantment to bounce 62 times but there are only 2 things attacking me it would bounce between them until it hits 62 times)
3. Performing a mastery attack with a two-handed weapon will send out a shockwave of electricity that knocks everything back x fee

Other Enchantments that don't correspond with elements:

1.Lifesteal (I dont need to explain this)
2. Berserk (basically every time you attack the time between your attacks is decreased by x amount so you would attack exponentially faster)
3. Magicka Leak (If your opponent casts a spell while they are under the effects of Magicka Leak they lose additional magicka
4. Bloodlust (The lower health you have, the more damage you deal)

Feel free to add anymore enchantments you can think of
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:46 pm

Seems, way overpowered, to me!
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:59 am

Interesting ideas. Especially for heavy weapons, maybe one that gives back stamina?
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:51 pm

You'd have to be a master of enchantment to get a lot of those over the top enchantments. That said, I would like a larger visual representation of enchantments in game. There was another thread about enchantent that pertained to giving the user the ability to turn the enchanted part on, off, or overdrive.

Turn it off to save the enchantment, turn it on when you need it cause this enemy is tough, and some embers would apear around the blade, and overdrive for that moment you find you're self between a dragon and another dragon. The sword would burst into flames, dealing max damage. That would be what I would like to see.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:05 am

Wow...are there any real poll options, or only long-winded "troll" options? o.O

Seems most of those only serve to let the OP spew some venom at things he doesn't like.

Well...aside from being absurdly overpowered, too.
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JR Cash
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