» Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:03 am
Like the guys already said Data should contain the ESP's, ESM's & BSA's. Within the data folder there should be subfolders: textures, meshes, sounds, docs etc. When you look at a mod you have downloaded the folder structure should be the same ie data>ESP, ESM, BSA, textures folder, meshes folder. (if the mod is like this, & provided there aren't different ESP's to choose from, you can create a simple OMOD using OBMM without needing script).
If you look at the folder structure & it has folders like 01 Core, 00 Main. Then this mod has been formatted to BAIN (another method of installation like OBMM). You will have to rearrange the mod so it fits Data> esp', esm's, texture folder, meshes folder, sounds folder, etc. & then turn it into an OMOD. You might even download one that has been badly packaged (ie. instead of it following the above structure its just thrown into 1 folder), again follow the above procedure to repack it (data> textures, meshes etc.).
Often you will get lucky & some nice soul has given you OMOD conversion data with your mod. (in this case it doesn't matter how it's packaged, you just create the OMOD, click yes on import conversion data & hey presto!) The script SHOULD put everything in the right place (double check though, in OBMM after you installed(double click on it after creating the OMOD) the mod right click on it & go on Info. You will see a list of files that came with the mod, under that list there is another telling you what files were installed).
It wasn't long ago I was asking the same questions! I got some great help & now I'm cookin on gas baby! (Well CDT's aside! lol) Check these sites out:
http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/index TESIV:POSItive (LOADS of info on this excellent site!)
http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/default.asp OBMM How To (Brilliant for getting used to OBMM)
http://www.tesnexus.com/ MOD site
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.list MOD site
Most important noob rule: READ, READ and then READ a bit more! If your stumped after that ask for help!
May seem like hassle when your used to popping a disk in & playing but bear in mind you are creating your very own custom game! & if you think it's making your head hurt, spare a thought for the modders that probably spent many a late night making this for FREE!!
Don't get overwhelmed just take a break & come back to it. You will get there! Modded oblivion is the best game I've ever had!
Hope this helps.
EDIT: When you launch the game make sure you do so using OBMM or OBSE launcher. You must do this for OBSE to load with the game. (if using Wrye Bash to launch then make sure the OBSE box is checked (bottom left))