Where I live, you can hear the reveille call from Andrews if you're outside at the right time of day.
Yeah, that's a pretty standard sight over in DC. Marine 1 seems to fly with 3 identical decoys/escorts.
I remember when Bush came to town on a campaign busstop in our town. A couple CH-53's were up there; I wondered who or what was on board :machinegun:
OP: are you female and in a bikini? I know for a FACT that at least one pilot will bank severly to let their passengers and crew get a good long look at some sunbathing beatuies

Best jump I ever had was from a CH-53 tailgate. Daytime, Hollywood (no gear, just rifle), 2,500 AGL, and some great updrafts. Some were up there long enough that they ate a bag of chips on the way down :thumbsup: