I recently bought a 35mm film SLR to learn different aspects of photography on it. (I know technically a DSLR would have been easier to learn on, but they're too expensive for me right now) I haven't received it yet (online order, hopefully it comes as described) but what would you guys recommend I do first? Also, what cameras do you guys have, and do you have any stories to share?
I've got a 20 year old SLR, similar kind of film. I reccomend taking some simplistic shots first to get you used to assembling an image. As an example, you could take a picture where a third of the vertical space is a tree, another third is a person, and another third is void. Imagine your photo as being separated into 3 columns and 3 rows,forming a total of 9 boxes of the same shape.
Also, try experimenting by taking pictures of edges and line-like objects. (tree branches, limbs, etc.) Try to get an impression of how lines guide your eye when viewing a photo and how you can assemble an image with a focus on driving the viewer's attention through the photo through lines.
For nature photography, Try planting a subject object (like a plastic toy bug) into a tree or bush, so you can get some practice with taking pictures when dealing with plants and the like without having to deal with a living subject.
For landscape objects, remember lines again. The Top of trees form a line, the horizon forms a line, the crest of a hill forms a line, houses form a line, everything forms lines. Those lines will guide the viewers persepctive, so as an exercise, pick out a subject (like a house, or tree) you want the viewer to notice, and try to take a picture that will guide the viewer's eyes to that subject.