[RELZ] Supreme Magicka V0.89

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:02 am

Well, then many thanks to both Kaurn and CorePC! I'll simply wait till tomorrow, but I'll give Tes4Edit a shot, just for the sake of learning something!
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

Well, then many thanks to both Kaurn and CorePC! I'll simply wait till tomorrow, but I'll give Tes4Edit a shot, just for the sake of learning something!

You're welcome :)

Maybe this would be better? Replace the whole thing with:
elseif ((nextitem.GetCreatureType != 3 && nextitem.GetFactionRank UndeadFaction >= 0) || nextitem.GetVampire )	if (Player.GetVampire || DetectLifeUndead)		nextitem.playMagicShaderVisuals zzSMShaderAzure 3	endif

Is it safe to assume that if it's not humanoid, but is in the UndeadFaction or is a vamp, that it should just be undead?

Edit: That doesn't work for some reason ... off to play with it some more.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:01 am

Well hey there so I'm super duper excited about this mod. I'm installing as an omod and I'm getting a warning that hopefully someone can help me with.

menus\dialog\enchant_menu.xml already exists, and CRCs do not match.
Currently associated omods: darnified ui 1.3.2.omod

Yes or no?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 am

You're welcome :)

Maybe this would be better? Replace the whole thing with:
elseif ((nextitem.GetCreatureType != 3 && nextitem.GetFactionRank UndeadFaction >= 0) || nextitem.GetVampire )	if (Player.GetVampire || DetectLifeUndead)		nextitem.playMagicShaderVisuals zzSMShaderAzure 3	endif

Is it safe to assume that if it's not humanoid, but is in the UndeadFaction or is a vamp, that it should just be undead?

Edit: That doesn't work for some reason ... off to play with it some more.
The humanoid-option for GetCreatureType isn't used by anything. Or rather, (almost) nothing uses the humanoid as a creature type, for creatures undead are pretty much always designated as undead. The real problem comes from NPC-based undeads, since they are technically NPCs GetCreatureType is useless. And GetFactionRank UndeadFaction won't work reliably either because then you'll have lots and lots of false positives with necromancers. I think the only thing left to do is use several NameIncludes checks as you posted.

flagstone149: That error is because you have DarNifiedUI installed and Supreme Magicka tries to override that file. It is required to get the extended magnitude/duration/area for spellmaking and enchanting but since you have DarNifiedUI you can configure it there. Just open up Data\Menus\Prefabs\darn\enchantmentsetting_config.xml and look near the bottom for these lines
	<!-- Enchantment limits (def.100,100,120) -->	<!-- If you've been using "Raised Spellmaking Enhancements Limits", it's values are 300,300,360. -->	<_esmagnitudelimit> 300 </_esmagnitudelimit>	<_esarealimit> 300 </_esarealimit>	<_esdurationlimit> 360 </_esdurationlimit>
If you choose to use the file from Supreme Magicka then the enchanting menu will revert back to the vanilla layout.

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

flagstone149: That error is because you have DarNifiedUI installed and Supreme Magicka tries to override that file. It is required to get the extended magnitude/duration/area for spellmaking and enchanting but since you have DarNifiedUI you can configure it there. Just open up Data\Menus\Prefabs\darn\enchantmentsetting_config.xml and look near the bottom for these lines
	<!-- Enchantment limits (def.100,100,120) -->	<!-- If you've been using "Raised Spellmaking Enhancements Limits", it's values are 300,300,360. -->	<_esmagnitudelimit> 300 </_esmagnitudelimit>	<_esarealimit> 300 </_esarealimit>	<_esdurationlimit> 360 </_esdurationlimit>
If you choose to use the file from Supreme Magicka then the enchanting menu will revert back to the vanilla layout.

Thank you so much for the quick and detailed response
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

The humanoid-option for GetCreatureType isn't used by anything. Or rather, (almost) nothing uses the humanoid as a creature type, for creatures undead are pretty much always designated as undead. The real problem comes from NPC-based undeads, since they are technically NPCs GetCreatureType is useless. And GetFactionRank UndeadFaction won't work reliably either because then you'll have lots and lots of false positives with necromancers. I think the only thing left to do is use several NameIncludes checks as you posted.

I think you're right - it would miss "Zombie Imperial", etc. and probably many others... oh well, so much for streamlining it a little. I'll stick with the first code I posted for now. Thanks! And I hope someone else finds it useful.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 pm


Not sure if you would consider this a problem exactly but it seems that SM adds spells to spell merchants that get killed or otherwise removed from the game during the mages guild quest or KOTN. And while you could say that I always have the chance to get them before this happens, I'm not able to use the spells until I'm high up in those skills which is closer to the end of the game for me so I would have already finished those quests.

Pretty much just think it's silly to have to delay a quest just to buy spells that will disappear from the game after. The mages guild spells could be added to other NPCs after the quest is done, but KOTN already has replacement NPCs for the ones that die that SM doesn't know about it seems.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 pm

Levitation has become buggy for me. The spell will work if I jump and continue to walk straight but if I try to gain altitude at all I just fall. Anyone ever experience this?
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 am

I tried using keyword search biut not sure what best to use, so I apologize if this has been brought up and solved already.

Both me and my dad use this mod, though he turns off the chameleon effect (you know where after the limit you set it acts like invisibility) and he noticed that when he was sneaking and chameleon and he tried to cast the spell on a monster all the effects were resisted essentially not doing damage, after he drops out of sneak mode and cast again the spell does damage again.
Any idea what might be causing this?
He just recently reinstalled with the GOTY edition of Oblivion with SI and Knights of the Nine included if that has an affect on anything. Also we used the Omod installer for supreme magicka after I updated him to SM .89.

Anyone else run into this problem? and if so did you ever solve it?
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[ becca ]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 am

I'm not really sure if this is the right place to post this but anyway...

I'm in the arena fighting the two elf sisters and i used calm spell and they stopped attacking then I killed one and the game said the thing about the dark brotherhood is watching me. I'm in the arena so killing is good right?

I am using this mod by the way.

EDIT: I tried the arena without using a spell and the dark brotherhood message still comes up when i kill one of the elf sisters. Can someone tell me what is going on? I dont think this is related SM anymore.
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Kelly John
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:15 pm

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25226 is an excellent mod, I would say it's one of these late trues additions to Oblivion.
I just tested it but I find it's overpoered compared to SM overhaul settings because I think Achemy Advanced use Vanilla Alchemy settings.
So I request a patch to balance this mod toward SM Alchemy settings.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:29 am


Not sure if you would consider this a problem exactly but it seems that SM adds spells to spell merchants that get killed or otherwise removed from the game during the mages guild quest or KOTN. And while you could say that I always have the chance to get them before this happens, I'm not able to use the spells until I'm high up in those skills which is closer to the end of the game for me so I would have already finished those quests.

Pretty much just think it's silly to have to delay a quest just to buy spells that will disappear from the game after. The mages guild spells could be added to other NPCs after the quest is done, but KOTN already has replacement NPCs for the ones that die that SM doesn't know about it seems.

Hmm I though i avoided that in most cases. I'll double check that.

Levitation has become buggy for me. The spell will work if I jump and continue to walk straight but if I try to gain altitude at all I just fall. Anyone ever experience this?

Odd I'll look into it but not sure why it would do so.

I tried using keyword search biut not sure what best to use, so I apologize if this has been brought up and solved already.

Both me and my dad use this mod, though he turns off the chameleon effect (you know where after the limit you set it acts like invisibility) and he noticed that when he was sneaking and chameleon and he tried to cast the spell on a monster all the effects were resisted essentially not doing damage, after he drops out of sneak mode and cast again the spell does damage again.
Any idea what might be causing this?
He just recently reinstalled with the GOTY edition of Oblivion with SI and Knights of the Nine included if that has an affect on anything. Also we used the Omod installer for supreme magicka after I updated him to SM .89.

Anyone else run into this problem? and if so did you ever solve it?

Hmmm. So i assume it wasn't a simple issue of damage health being casted on an undead unit or something. In any case sounds like the stealth magic attacks went screwy for some reason. I'll check the formulas for irregularities i can see.

Alchemy Advanced is an excellent mod, I would say it's one of these late trues additions to Oblivion.
I just tested it but I find it's overpoered compared to SM overhaul settings because I think Achemy Advanced use Vanilla Alchemy settings.
So I request a patch to balance this mod toward SM Alchemy settings.

SM dosn't actually do much to potion making power. Its the weak spot of SM as it is closely still vanilla settings and will only probrably be slightly different because some base spell costs changed when i balanced the spells. So considering i havn't really worked on this element of the gameplay it would be silly for me to make a compatibility patch to make it nearly vanilla again :P The mod looks new and supported though so maybe the creator will get more options for people out.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 pm

Ah thanks I thought SM change Alchemy settings as it change enchantement settings; I love especially the max 8 resistance magica of your mod, this make my adventures in oblivion more challengings.
I'm 86 in Alchemy and with Advanced Alchemy I can create potions of:
- 23 chameleon for 93 sec
- 102 chameleon for 15 sec

There are sliders that permit change duration of spell. But the mod is configurable.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 am

It has been many years since flyfightflea left to explore the real world. Since then supreme magicka has surpassed 100000 total downloads on tesnexus. This is surely a testament to flyflightflea's amazing mod and the work he initially planted that has rocketed the mod forward. Without flyflightflea first harnessing the the fabled oblivion script and the young OBSE tooling engine we would not stand where we are today. Long live flyflightflea and many thanks to all the modders for your continued playing and support :foodndrink: :celebration: :celebration:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:57 am

Don't be so humble :) Sure we can credit fly for the initial concepts of the mod, but I would give more credit to you for not only keeping the mod alive but for adding so much more to it. Hope we can see more in the future
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

I cound not Agree more with X'tyfe

SM has taking SM far beyond what Fly would have gone with it.

Keep up the good work SM, we know you are busy but nice to see you stop by every now and then once again
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 pm

SM is class, one of the very best oblivion mods... only problem? impossible to choose between this and L.A.M.E. :P

but then again who needs to choose when you can have both :D
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:31 am

Lovely work on this! Really makes magic interesting. (It wasn't terribly interesting in Vanilla.)

Got a wonky issue though, open very hard lock spells don't seem to work. They seem to work all the way up to hard just fine but as soon as you get to very hard they don't. They'll light up the locked object but the lock remains.

Anybody else encounter that or could it just be my own mod conflict wonkiness at play here?

To my knowledge I don't have another mod that messes with magic (I don't use OOO currently) except for Midas Magic and that is loaded before SM. I tried killing midas (heh) and even with SM alone, open very hard spells seems to fail. A bug or am I missing something obvious? :)

EDIT: I should mention I'm running 0.89b and I'm not running the chance based lock spells. (I think I'll try running those for now as that's probably what most people use, right?)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 am

@all: Thanks :)

@Nessa: Hmm interesting. I need to check to see if i changed the values of the very hard lock spells, but yes a bug if i can replicate.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 am

Anybody else encounter that or could it just be my own mod conflict wonkiness at play here?

I have no problem with my Open Very Hard Lock spell.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

Released 0.90 Beta

*0.90 - Sustainable summons is now on by default. Sustainable spells now work differently by holding onto the spell cost preventing your magicka from regenerating to the maximum (too many sustained spells will cause you to have little spare magicka for other spells). Health regains naturally out of combat. Magicka regeneration/ Fatigue regeneration/ health generation in combat is greatly reduced. Being born under certain birthsigns will increase these regen rates in combat. Added option to gain magic skill usage from staffs. Added undead name detection to flag more mod added undead creatures correctly as undead. Fixed paralysis issues from frost effects applying to base actor. DR critical effects only use the damage of the first 5 seconds of the spell to determine chance of effect. The two default starting spells are now disabled on starting a new game (due to in built health regen).

I will be most interested to see how people favour these changes. As always the new features all still have ini options to disable or modify them as needed.

Lets continue the discussion here http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1063032
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:42 am

use the new thread, linked in the above post.
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Tammie Flint
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