Im looking for another good set of paladin armor I already have The knights of the nine, Lost Paladins of the Divines, and pale_riders Armory of the Divine Guardian and have grown tired of these anyone know another good set?
Yeah, I'd like to see something "paladiny" that's new too. I've seen them all so far. I ended up just altering my LPoD armor.
I posted this in this thread but I got no reply.
So again:
I want to be able to CREATE multi-summons via the spell-making screen.
Don't think a mod like that exists currently. There used to be one by Shabok (sp?) but for some reason he took all his mods down within the month he put them up.
You could just load up the CS and make a custom summon spell with multiple creatures, but there is a problem with same type monsters. You can't for example have 4 skeleton heroes, but you can have 1 skeleton, 1 S hero, 1 S champ, etc etc. A workaround this limitation would be to just creature several monsters of the same type but with different id's so that they are all unique. I think you'd also need some sort of reference cell as well.