Ashlanders view about slavery

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:20 am

In Morrowind forums there was talk about does ashlanders accept slavery. Npc:s doesn't give any hints in dialogue and I haven't seen any ashlander tribe that owns slaves. So my question is the same that people wonder in mw forums: Does ashlanders oppose to slavery, are they ignorant about it, or do they accept it? And on top of this few side questions: I know that they respect some of the ancient aldmer laws. Did aldmers accept slavery? Did dwemer had slaves because it would seem absurd because they had all these machines to do all the work?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:17 am

I don't think they really seem to care much about it, they never seem to be involved in any way with slavery.
The ashlanders probably just rather be left alone and not get involved in such matters.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:38 am

In Morrowind forums there was talk about does ashlanders accept slavery. Npc:s doesn't give any hints in dialogue and I haven't seen any ashlander tribe that owns slaves. So my question is the same that people wonder in mw forums: Does ashlanders oppose to slavery, are they ignorant about it, or do they accept it? And on top of this few side questions: I know that they respect some of the ancient aldmer laws. Did aldmers accept slavery? Did dwemer had slaves because it would seem absurd because they had all these machines to do all the work?

Like most Dunmer, Ashlanders also practice slavery; enslaving members of other races is nothing immoral or uncommon.
At the end of 3rd era Ashlanders' economy is focused on survival and I don't see necessity for keeping many or any slaves (like many other things, you should imagine slaves are somewhere around).
And there aren't many opportunities to obtain slaves in the Ashlands (except silly missionaries :) and pilgrims), hijacking is more profitable.

I don't know for Dwemer, but IIRC all elder races (Bosmer and Maormer? who knows?) kept slaves at some point in history.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:45 am

If you talk to Ashlanders about Khajiit or Argonians they will mention they used to keep them as slaves but they were untrustworthy or useless
That combined with not seeing any slaves in Ashlander camps leads me to think that although they have no moral objection to slavery they don't currently practice it
They do take captives in raids etc but usually seem to ransom them rather than keep them as slaves
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:23 am

Ashlanders don't seem to bother - they put the theory that appears when you call a race inferior into practice, and see Argonians, Khajiit, and others as so inferior to them that they wouldn't be able to understand instructions.

They don't necessarily object to slavery, though. I'd wager that those rights they claim to raid other tribes and settlements includes the right to take slaves, and they'd defend that right through tradition as the settled peoples defend theirs through the Armistice.

ancient aldmer laws

No, the ancient Chimeri morals, which now have the strength of law. I suppose that their philosophy is based on that of farmers and herders who turned away from the Aldmeri gods and to the Daedra, possibly for better protection or just a personal connection, which is, in turn, based on the philosophy of three very different Daedra.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:14 am

In Morrowind forums there was talk about does ashlanders accept slavery. Npc:s doesn't give any hints in dialogue and I haven't seen any ashlander tribe that owns slaves. So my question is the same that people wonder in mw forums: Does ashlanders oppose to slavery, are they ignorant about it, or do they accept it? And on top of this few side questions: I know that they respect some of the ancient aldmer laws. Did aldmers accept slavery? Did dwemer had slaves because it would seem absurd because they had all these machines to do all the work?

The Chimer fled slavery on Summerset Isle - that was the reason they left, if that adds to the picture you are building?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:23 pm

The Chimer fled slavery on Summerset Isle - that was the reason they left, if that adds to the picture you are building?

I thought that Veloth lead the Chimer away for religious reasons. The right to Daedra worship and that. There would probably be the threat of slavery in Alinor too for the those reasons, I admit.

They live in a harsh climate and culture, I wouldnt put it by them that slavery isn't practiced. If I knew any better, I'd liken them to the Fremen, though I doubt they distill desert wanderers down for their water... de l'eau de la Nerevar, and such. :P
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 am

I'd imagine that with the Ashlander's current anymosity towards all foreigners that they'd really be less likely to practice slavery, as it would involve the import of even more foreigners to what they see as their invaded homeland. Not that they haven't practiced it or object to it, but I think that they have other important things on their mind.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:29 am

I'd imagine that with the Ashlander's current anymosity towards all foreigners that they'd really be less likely to practice slavery, as it would involve the import of even more foreigners to what they see as their invaded homeland. Not that they haven't practiced it or object to it, but I think that they have other important things on their mind.

That makes sense. But they could still own native dunmer slaves..
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:34 am

They do claim the right to raid for loot, which probably includes slaves, but to me it seems as if the Ashlanders are too aware of each other's power to make any war between the tribes a good option. And they'll never take the settled people as slaves - they live in the comforts of civilisation, and are weak and foolish. They'd never take the modern definition of Velothi (Ashlanders who live with the settled people), either, for the same reasons.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:12 am

    "We claim the right to raid other Ashlander tribes -- and non-Ashlander settlements -- for booty and slaves. It is our way."--Any Ashlander on the topic of 'Morrowind Lore'

There you go... that's really about the extent to which it is mentioned...
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:46 am

About your question on Dwemer slaverly; yes it seems that the Dwemer did practice slavery. The Book "Antecedents of Dwemer Law" mentions it.

In the laws of Karndar Watch (P.D. 1180) it is said, "If one who is owned by another slays one who owns himself, the owner must pay the associates three fine instruments and the body of the one who his owned." There are many other similar citations. And the same principle is extended even to the case of a centurion by which a man is killed. "If, at the common workbench, one is slain by an Animunculi, the associates of the slain may disassemble the Animunculi and take its parts within thirty days."

Makes it sound like slaves and animunculi are on the same level.

There is a quest in MW where an ashlander asks you to buy a slave to use as a wife.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:40 pm

There is a quest in MW where an ashlander asks you to buy a slave to use as a wife.

Well, it was the wise woman's idea of that tribe to trick the leader into thinking he was actually marrying a daughter of a Telvanni noble or something close to that.
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