Please reframe from spaming. The poll clearly represents everyone. Unless you have a suggestion im reporting that post tomorrow when I get back on my computer. *in the nicest possible way*
First off. Spamming. Learn to spell it and learn what it means. Most of the people who you labeled as Spamers were merely disagreeing. The poll is biased because it lacks a true no option on both questions. There is "No, I want it to have this feature instead." Anyone who doesn't want that feature or the other options doesn't have a way to say "I want none of this." Also, the second question has absolutely no disagreement option so anyone who votes on the first question as no has to give a Yes to the second question. All you need to do is add an "I said no to question 1" answer for question 2.
Second off, This statement is in NO WAY threatening to report you. I am merely going to say that threating to report someone as you did in the post I quoted is reportable (under trolling/flaming I think). Once, again I am not reporting or going to report you, as I have faith that all the mods here are worth their salt and will do the right thing for any incident reported to them by investigating fully.
Finally to your idea. I would tone it down a bit but I like it. It is possible, yet challenging. I made a cave house that did something similar. It had one room but you could use the room for different purposes by "traveling time". there was a magic device that would move you to certain points in time while you were in the cave, and revert things to normal when you left. For example when you needed to sleep you would activate the magic and go to a date when bandits were using the cave as a hideout and had bedrolls on the floor. If you needed a vault you go to a different date to when a marauder warlord used it as a treasure trove, etc.