I voted Sean Connery, but only as a good dragon

Also if it doesnt cost that much. I would rather have more voice actors for the different people than less because of more cost, I don't want people sounding alike as much as Oblivion.
Sean Connery for teh win!
Imagine a large dragon alighting on a ruin nearby..
It fixes you with a fiery, penetrating gaze.
You feel a chill on your skin.
Beads of sweat roll down your neck.
You grip your weapon tighter, pray, and slowly advance..
The Dragon opens it`s huge fanged jaws..
To your utter amazement, the Dragon speaks! It`s hard to make out the words due to the lilting brogue accent, but it sounds like the following mystical phrases...
"Mish Moneypenny, shaken not shtirred dear.."