Learned to my cost that obse does not work on a D2D version and there are several obse requiring mods I want to use (saved my last 20 esp slots for them). I am running Oblivion outside of Program Files to avoid those issues (thank you Microsoft). I have bought another dvd and wish to install that version on my PC so I can run obse and the mods that require it. I would very much prefer not going through the entire reintall again - particularly if I have to regenerate all those omods (and while I now like Wrye, I don't think that I am Bain ready). I understand that there may be work arounds for this and there are people on this board who will know the answer, if that knowledge is available. So, I have considered two options:
1. Install the dvd version - plus Bethesda content? - in a different path, then simply copy over my data folder from the D2D install, then install obse and activate the new mods in that version.
2. Back up the data folder (which I am likely to do anyway), then install the dvd version over the D2D version, copy back the data folder, etc.
So my questions are: will either of these work? If not, what might/will? What will I need to install & where? What do I need to backup and then, I hope, copy back?
Thanks for any help on this.