The obscene difference in racial power always bugged me. The game doesn't need to have perfect balance but I don't want to feel like it is laughing at me for playing an Argonian or getting trivialized if I want to be a Breton.
On the other hand, all the racial balance mods I could find were huge, lavish overhauls, giving massive amounts of buffs to the racials to the point where they fundamentally change the game. I didn't want any of that. I like Oblivion-style racials the way they are, I just want them better balanced. So, I made my own simple mod to do this.
Guiding principles of the mod:
1. No fundamental changes to the game mechanics. The racials are more or less built along the lines of existing racials.
2. The average racial power with the mod installed should be about the same as the average racial power without the mod. In other words, no lavish buffs: overpowered races get weakened about as much as weak races are strengthened.
3. Changes made should not duplicate existing racials, rather they should help to differentiate the races.
4. Changes made should be appropriate for the lore and personality of the race they're being applied to.
Races buffed: Argonians, Bosmer, Imperials, Khajiit
Races nerfed: Bretons (severely), Redguards (slightly)
Races unchanged: Altmer, Dunmer, Nords, Orcs
To calculate the changes needed I attributed a point value to each racial, then took the average total points of all races. Races need to be within 65%-135% of the average to be sufficiently "balanced"
Average: 23
Minimum needed: 15
Maximum allowed: 31
Enhanced Magicka(+30)
Disease Resistance(+1)
Elemental Weakness(-9)
Total: +22 No changes needed
Disease Resistance(+1)
Poison Immunity(+3)
Water Breathing(+5)
Total: +9 need at least 6 points more.
ADDED: Lesser Power "Trace Scent" - Life Detection 120 yards for 60 seconds, costs 0 magicka(+5). Khajiit have a "beast vision" and now Argonians get their own! A strong, Expert-level Life Detection spell fits the typical Argonian role as explorers, scouts and navigators, making them more comfortable and safe in environments with dangerous beasts.
ADDED: Lesser Power "Hist Anamnesis" - Fortify Willpower 20 points, Drain Strength 10 points, Drain Speed 10 points for 60 seconds on self, costs 0 magicka(+8). Argonians are known for being fairly adept magic users, and here is a bonus to reflect that. It is not as good, or as convenient as the Breton racial, but it allows Argonians to enter a sort of meditative state at will where magicka will return to them much more quickly.
Command Creature(+3)
Disease Resistance(+1)
Total: +4 need at least 11 points more.
BUFFED: Command Creature from lvl 5 to lvl 25(+7). This potentially interesting ability was seemingly designed to be useless. Level 5 is a pathetically low cap. Increasing it to 25 brings it in line with the Khajiit Eye of Fear.
ADDED: Ability "Green Pact" - Restore Health 1 point(+15). A small, constant, troll-like health regeneration. Useful in long battles, amazingly convenient for between-battle recovery, and fun to watch as all three of your bars increase over time. This ability is in line with the Bosmer preference for hit and run attacks - they can recover during breaths in the fight. This ability also helps the "wild" Bosmer who prefers to live a simple, primal life with no magic use at all: the other races are practically forced to level Restoration to recover themselves between battles. Now, Bosmers alone can get by on an adventure with no magic ability whatsoever.
Enhanced Magicka(+15)
Magic Resistance(+34)
Dragon Skin(+17)
Total: +66 need at least 35 points removed.
CHANGED: Magic Resistance to Shock Resistance 50 points(-26). The Breton's obscene magic resist is what mainly has this race break the game. Simply nerfing it would make it too similar to orcs. Changing it to shock resist differentiates Bretons more from the other races. Also, Shock previously was a bit too good a damage effect compared to Fire and Frost - you could always damage a foe of unknown race with Shock as least as much as those other two effects, since no one had a particular strength to Shock. Now, you must always keep the different elements and races in mind when wielding elemental magic against humanoids.
REMOVED: Dragon Skin(-17). This ability is already too similar to Woad, and just nerfing it would make it even more similar. This has no particular lore connection to the race so it is a good candidate for removal. This also means that Bretons are now the only race where all their abilities are passive, making them a good choice for newbies or for people who don't like to keep track of cooldowns.
Ancestor Guardian(+5)
Dark Elf Fire Resistance(+17)
Total: +22 no changes needed.
Star of the West(+5)
Voice of the Emperor(+5)
Total: +10 need at least 5 points more.
ADDED: Greater Power "Chant of the Legion" - Restore Health 4 points for 60 seconds on Touch(+3). Imperials conquered and tamed the 9 other provinces not with individual strength or courage, but with discipline and cooperation. This regeneration power is strong enough to save someone in an emergency, and long-lasting enough to be cast before a battle. However, it will only work on a friendly companion - making Imperials now the best race for those inclined to run around with a partner.
ADDED: Greater Power "Blood of the Dragon" - Fortify Magicka 50 points for 60 seconds on Self(+5). This makes the fourth 24 hour cooldown given to Imperials, making them a veritable swiss army knife. None of the cooldowns themselves are enough to win a fight, but clever and resourceful Imperials will use them to give them the edge they need. This ability lets an Imperial occasionally cast with the magickal power of a Breton.
Eye of Fear(+10)
Eye of Night(+3)
Total: +13 need at least 2 points more.
BUFFED: Eye of Night from 30 seconds to 60(+0). This is not technically a buff since Eye of Night is already repeatable and free, but it may save a Khajiit from insanity caused by having to adjust his eyes so often.
ADDED: Greater Power "Desert Pad" - Fortify Sneak 50 points for 60 seconds on self(+5). All Khajiit are thieves, whatever their official title or day job, and this ability ensures that even the must upstanding Khajiit can have inspired moments of underhandedness.
Nordic Frost(+5)
Nord Frost Immunity(+8)
Total: +22 no changes needed.
Orc Magic Resistance(+15)
Total: +20 no changes needed.
Adrenaline Rush(+36)
Redguard Disease Resistance(+1)
Redguard Poison Resistance(+3)
Total: +40 need at least 9 removed.
NERFED: Adrenaline rush from 50 stats each to 35 stats each (25 health boost unchanged)(-10). A subtle yet overwhelming across the board boost in power from Adrenaline Rush makes Redguards the perfect melee counter to any boss fight, but it was a bit over the top. Adrenaline Rush gets toned down a little without changing the spirit of the ability.
On the other hand, all the racial balance mods I could find were huge, lavish overhauls, giving massive amounts of buffs to the racials to the point where they fundamentally change the game. I didn't want any of that. I like Oblivion-style racials the way they are, I just want them better balanced. So, I made my own simple mod to do this.
Guiding principles of the mod:
1. No fundamental changes to the game mechanics. The racials are more or less built along the lines of existing racials.
2. The average racial power with the mod installed should be about the same as the average racial power without the mod. In other words, no lavish buffs: overpowered races get weakened about as much as weak races are strengthened.
3. Changes made should not duplicate existing racials, rather they should help to differentiate the races.
4. Changes made should be appropriate for the lore and personality of the race they're being applied to.
Races buffed: Argonians, Bosmer, Imperials, Khajiit
Races nerfed: Bretons (severely), Redguards (slightly)
Races unchanged: Altmer, Dunmer, Nords, Orcs
To calculate the changes needed I attributed a point value to each racial, then took the average total points of all races. Races need to be within 65%-135% of the average to be sufficiently "balanced"
Average: 23
Minimum needed: 15
Maximum allowed: 31
Enhanced Magicka(+30)
Disease Resistance(+1)
Elemental Weakness(-9)
Total: +22 No changes needed
Disease Resistance(+1)
Poison Immunity(+3)
Water Breathing(+5)
Total: +9 need at least 6 points more.
ADDED: Lesser Power "Trace Scent" - Life Detection 120 yards for 60 seconds, costs 0 magicka(+5). Khajiit have a "beast vision" and now Argonians get their own! A strong, Expert-level Life Detection spell fits the typical Argonian role as explorers, scouts and navigators, making them more comfortable and safe in environments with dangerous beasts.
ADDED: Lesser Power "Hist Anamnesis" - Fortify Willpower 20 points, Drain Strength 10 points, Drain Speed 10 points for 60 seconds on self, costs 0 magicka(+8). Argonians are known for being fairly adept magic users, and here is a bonus to reflect that. It is not as good, or as convenient as the Breton racial, but it allows Argonians to enter a sort of meditative state at will where magicka will return to them much more quickly.
Command Creature(+3)
Disease Resistance(+1)
Total: +4 need at least 11 points more.
BUFFED: Command Creature from lvl 5 to lvl 25(+7). This potentially interesting ability was seemingly designed to be useless. Level 5 is a pathetically low cap. Increasing it to 25 brings it in line with the Khajiit Eye of Fear.
ADDED: Ability "Green Pact" - Restore Health 1 point(+15). A small, constant, troll-like health regeneration. Useful in long battles, amazingly convenient for between-battle recovery, and fun to watch as all three of your bars increase over time. This ability is in line with the Bosmer preference for hit and run attacks - they can recover during breaths in the fight. This ability also helps the "wild" Bosmer who prefers to live a simple, primal life with no magic use at all: the other races are practically forced to level Restoration to recover themselves between battles. Now, Bosmers alone can get by on an adventure with no magic ability whatsoever.
Enhanced Magicka(+15)
Magic Resistance(+34)
Dragon Skin(+17)
Total: +66 need at least 35 points removed.
CHANGED: Magic Resistance to Shock Resistance 50 points(-26). The Breton's obscene magic resist is what mainly has this race break the game. Simply nerfing it would make it too similar to orcs. Changing it to shock resist differentiates Bretons more from the other races. Also, Shock previously was a bit too good a damage effect compared to Fire and Frost - you could always damage a foe of unknown race with Shock as least as much as those other two effects, since no one had a particular strength to Shock. Now, you must always keep the different elements and races in mind when wielding elemental magic against humanoids.
REMOVED: Dragon Skin(-17). This ability is already too similar to Woad, and just nerfing it would make it even more similar. This has no particular lore connection to the race so it is a good candidate for removal. This also means that Bretons are now the only race where all their abilities are passive, making them a good choice for newbies or for people who don't like to keep track of cooldowns.
Ancestor Guardian(+5)
Dark Elf Fire Resistance(+17)
Total: +22 no changes needed.
Star of the West(+5)
Voice of the Emperor(+5)
Total: +10 need at least 5 points more.
ADDED: Greater Power "Chant of the Legion" - Restore Health 4 points for 60 seconds on Touch(+3). Imperials conquered and tamed the 9 other provinces not with individual strength or courage, but with discipline and cooperation. This regeneration power is strong enough to save someone in an emergency, and long-lasting enough to be cast before a battle. However, it will only work on a friendly companion - making Imperials now the best race for those inclined to run around with a partner.
ADDED: Greater Power "Blood of the Dragon" - Fortify Magicka 50 points for 60 seconds on Self(+5). This makes the fourth 24 hour cooldown given to Imperials, making them a veritable swiss army knife. None of the cooldowns themselves are enough to win a fight, but clever and resourceful Imperials will use them to give them the edge they need. This ability lets an Imperial occasionally cast with the magickal power of a Breton.
Eye of Fear(+10)
Eye of Night(+3)
Total: +13 need at least 2 points more.
BUFFED: Eye of Night from 30 seconds to 60(+0). This is not technically a buff since Eye of Night is already repeatable and free, but it may save a Khajiit from insanity caused by having to adjust his eyes so often.
ADDED: Greater Power "Desert Pad" - Fortify Sneak 50 points for 60 seconds on self(+5). All Khajiit are thieves, whatever their official title or day job, and this ability ensures that even the must upstanding Khajiit can have inspired moments of underhandedness.
Nordic Frost(+5)
Nord Frost Immunity(+8)
Total: +22 no changes needed.
Orc Magic Resistance(+15)
Total: +20 no changes needed.
Adrenaline Rush(+36)
Redguard Disease Resistance(+1)
Redguard Poison Resistance(+3)
Total: +40 need at least 9 removed.
NERFED: Adrenaline rush from 50 stats each to 35 stats each (25 health boost unchanged)(-10). A subtle yet overwhelming across the board boost in power from Adrenaline Rush makes Redguards the perfect melee counter to any boss fight, but it was a bit over the top. Adrenaline Rush gets toned down a little without changing the spirit of the ability.
This is the only mod I've ever uploaded, so tell me if anything is done wrong