Thanks! I just kluged together some local rocks for the top, and flipped Oblivion rocks for the bottom. I used the Talon rocks to try and give it that 'torn out' look.
That make me feel really good, too. That island was my first attempt at doing more than tweaking items.
Alrighty, The Exterior is almost finished. My Fences ended up to tall, and I need to figure out how to keep the guards on the Island. I ran into them Patrolling Near Skingrad for some reason. (I placed the guards from the Arcane Sanctuary. Should I give them their own Guard tower so they stay on the island during shift changes?)
I'm currently working on the Public interiors, mainly the Foyer and the Office of the Mage-General(Title in progress). The Library I'm still putting together a list of books. I don't look forward to doing this room though.
I still have to create: The Proving Grounds, A quest and quest locations, Restricted spaces (Barracks, Armory, Lab) And create and Place named NPC's. (Mage-General, Quartermaster, Librarian, Antagonists, and Quest Givers).
I am also debating altering the default Battlemage class to better reflect the Morrowind description of the class. It will certainly be an Optional File though.
I am creating this work in Vanilla Oblivion, with SI added, latest version. However, I have had an issue with something I installed in Oblivion (I'm alternating between Mod Nights and Play Nights, when I have free time at all). This will likely slow it down quite a bit.