Dedicated Servers on Console. . .

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:26 pm



You're misusing the term "IP" horribly.

The WHOLE SERIES is an "IP" - saying "I don't think any IP will have dedicated servers" means you don't think they're ever going to happen for ANY game. At all. Ever. No matter what.

What you MEAN to say (which Homefront proved you wrong on anyway) is "I don't think any new IP will have dedicated servers."

But I don't think dedicated servers are as big a deal as people make them out to be. All they do for most games is help reduce the impact of poor netcode. If a game with awful netcode has dedicated servers, and a game with good netcode has P2P, the P2P game will probably still run better.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:59 am

They probably made a mistake in doing that. Sure, the game turned out relatively successful, but it was also panned by most critics and neglected many fundamental innovative aspects of the modern FPS. The dedicated servers were nice. Dedicated servers are always nice for a game, but they are also high risk.

The high risk comes from the company having to pay for them. If there was a way to allow consoles to have user-hosted servers like PC has, the risk would be eliminated, and more if not all console games would have them.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:24 am

PC games have dedicated servers because they have ALWAYS had dedicated servers its easier to set up for with out having to run everything through a parent company, Like Sony or Microsoft.

There ARE console games with dedicated like servers like Warhawk, although i think its more like a person HOSTS a server, meaning they have to be connected and at least logged into the game while for the server to be running

Paid dedicated servers are just something that hasnt made it onto the consoles yet because its much easier to just do P2P

Also console games do not last as long as there PC counterparts, staying power of games on consoles is usually no more than 6 months or so untill it dwindles down to just hardcoe fans

There doesnt seem to be any technical reason why they cant have paid dedicated servers through PSN and XBL, so more than likely its a profit thing

They will come eventually because the next gen consoles will be more like PCs, even more so than the ones now, which are pretty close (minus OS - thats not hacked)

All we can hope for now is for features that will at least give a few of the benefits of dedicated servers, like an in-game Clan Interface, MAG's was okay let you join any of the games your clan members happen to be playing in while still remaining in a group, or at least it was supposed too

and if nothing like that is there then we are just stuck playing with ppl in or friends list and dealing with the ole "hey backout so we can pickup Skippy Mcdoo" and wait another 45 sec

Portal 2's whole crossplatform with steam is totally freaking awesome and i hope more games will follow suit

course i havent been able to play Portal 2 cause PSN has been hacked
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:38 am

If gamesas prefers dedicated servers over P2P they would probably consider it in a sequel because dedicated servers do cost a lot more money over P2P and it's not necessarily the smartest choice to risk an excessive amount of money on a new franchise.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:41 am

I personally want dedicated servers. Look how smooth the Gears 3 beta is. No other game with online for the xbox 360 runs as smooth.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:31 pm

the new Section 8: prejudice allows for users to rent servers over LIVE. It's an option i think some devs should look into.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:47 pm

You honestly don't need Dedicated servers in 8v8 matches.. peer to peer works perfectly fine if the system is put together properly.
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