» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:24 am
I believe Bethesda has been watching these forums on occasion, I also believe we may see some of what we asked for in the new Elder Scrolls game. Still I sometimes worry that Bethesda will take what a small percentage of fans believe and treat it as the whole. To quote a Family Guy episode, "20 people phoned in about the David Highpeirce incident, and as we all know, 1 phone call equals a billion people. So 20 billion people were outraged by it!" I am just saying ideas are great and everything, and some may improve upon their own ideas by giving them options they never thought of before, but I still believe Bethesda needs to worry more about their way then what some of the fans want. I am not saying the fans opinions don't matter it is just that they have their own knowhow about how TESV can be done so many people enjoy it. When Bethesda reads through suggestions they are hearing the voice of one and the few who agree (or disagree in some cases) with that one idea, not what every one wants. That is one reason why I think they might treat the good polls (not the pointless and all around comedic ones) just as seriously as the suggestion thread. Polls allow one to look at what the general audience enjoys. Even if a poll has 100% votes for something it doesn't mean they should implement it though because only a fraction of TES fans use this site. Still it means many fans see that as an interesting or better (not the best) option. What they be looking into more then anything is how many times a certain topic is brought up, more then how a hundred people think it should be done. If a topic is repetitively brought up it means that it is a major issue people have with the Elder Scroll series and needs more thought in the next game. If they view it this way instead of the way of reading every suggestion and thinking of it as the whole consumer then the ramblings of one than they can put in positive (we hope) changes into the game instead of ones that are tailored to the few. Now to give the greatest conundrum to what I just wrote. I believe the Elder Scrolls series needs to stay the Elder Scrolls series and not turn into some generic rpg that every kid and their mom can enjoy (not that they should make it a game where no kids and no parents can enjoy either). They need to keep the Elder Scrolls games Elder Scrolls games, and not fall into the trend of stealing successful ideas of other companies and turning out duplicated game mechanisms of other fields on a game series with its own unique history. So to wrap it all up yes Bethesda has gotten ideas from players, will continue to do it, but shouldn't try to change their games so much based on what a few fans say. Honestly changing the game a little based on players ideas is a good thing, but they shouldn't make an entire game based on them and I hope they don't. This seems to have went into a tangent of the threads purpose :blink: oh well.