I thought the mask for the voice look like this: http://www.game-trailers.ca/wp-content/themes/vidGamer/timthumb.php?src=http://forums.bethsoft.com/images/Brink_1.jpg&h=250&w=250&zc=1 (I notice now that the snipe scope is in the way of the mask)
I'm pretty sure its a doctors face mask thing (I ain't no doctor). With orange tint glasses. The mask in the picture you drew looks more like a hockey mask, or maybe the Look's mask.
I'm pretty sure its a doctors face mask thing (I ain't no doctor). With orange tint glasses. The mask in the picture you drew looks more like a hockey mask, or maybe the Look's mask.
I don't know at this point, but it probably is, heh.

Ack! I may have forgotten to mention that this was someone's request customized character, lol. This person wanted the Voice's (from one of the IGN Brink gameplay videos) shirt/sweatshirt along with a hockey-mask and the Look's pants, so obviously this is not the "official" Voice-guy per say, just a customized character with the Voice's shirt-thing. I forgot that this was a mix-and-match combo when I called it "Voice", hee. The person I am doing this for called the character, "The Voice" just to call him something for now (a placeholder name), but wanted to make it his own archetype and rename it something else later.
I hope what I just said made sense, lol! :sweat: