February 4th
@DCDeacon When will the next batch of screenshots or a gameplay video be released for Skyrim? Or is there a website with any new screens?
@Kyletr0City @The_Impaler22 @yanks4champs
Should be a good month. Be patient.

While you may think he meant the screenshots, those were only released a week later. Not a month.
If I may suggest, I do believe he's trolling us.
That statement can be interpreted in two ways. This month, or not this month. Very vague and ambiguous.
Anyways, my interpretation on this as well as English expressions lesson #1. Good + extended length of time is often used to say how long it will take before something happens. Good can usually mean beneficial, but when coupled with a unit of measurement, it can also mean 'in excess,' 'at least,' or 'large.' For instance, "This table weighs a good 50 pounds." That shows that the table is greater than or equal to 50 pounds. In relation to time, you can ask "How long until dad comes back from vacation?" to which a response could be "A good week or so." When Pete says "Should be a good month," it can be interpreted literally, as in this particular month will be good in relation to the question, or that the release of more screenshots/gameplay footage "should be a good month (away)." The fact that Pete said this in response to a question of 'how long' and ended with "Be patient" leads me to believe that he intended to say that it will be at least a month, which is why you should be patient.
But regardless of what happens, you can't say he lied until several months pass when it's been longer than "a good month".