So i have my own Minecraft server because i got banned from the BSGF server. My friends from my school play on it but when 4 or more people are active, it begins to lag; a lot! What site will calculate my internet speed without possibly giving me a virus. I just contacted my server provider in increasing my internet speed. The guy said the bandwidth will be increased to 65gb. However I do not think that is internet speed.
I will post the records and you guys can tell me if its good or not. :vaultboy:
Ping: 21 ms
Download Speed: 6.4 Mbps
Upload: 0.45
I did 3 tests and I am using a wireless connection. My brother is also playing an online game on the Ps3 atm. So is it good or not?
ISP tech here.
The guy you were speaking with seems to have confused Bandwith with your download allowance...
On your speeds, all things when it comes to broadband are local, all I know is you're in Canada, I don't really know the market, or if you're in a major city or an urban area- but that said you're results look pretty reasonable, there's plenty of technical folk here in small and medium sized towns that would be quite happy with those results.
When we talk about internet speed, we're not usually talking about speed as such. Your "Download Speed" isn't how fast your broadband is, think of it instead like a pipe, a faster download speed does not increase the speed of the water in the pipe, instead it increases the width of the pipe meaning in effect if you're fillin g something bigger than the size of the pipe ( a bucket), the bucket will fill faster. Latency is the length of time it takes to get from one end of the pipe to another (so can be thought of as the speed of the water).
For Gaming, Latency is king, as long as your download and upload speed is reasonable,. For hosting a server, Upload speed is more important than normal.
If you're running a server, your major bottleneck is going to be in the upload. If this is something you're going to be doing a lot of, it may be worthwhile to see if there's anything that can be done to improve upload (I would suggest making sure you're talking to tech support, not accounts folk), sometimes business accounts offer a faster upload.
I'd also suggest if at all possible get off wireless, and get yourself an Ethernet Cable instead. it might seem a move backwards, but wireless is more suseptable to interference than a cable, this can reduce your download speed and latency - although your latency isnt a problem at the moment, if you or your neighbours start buying other wireless decices (cordless phones, AV senders, baby monitors, etc) then this can get worse quickly.
With the download speed, presuming your on an ADSL service, make sure your modem/router is connected to the first phone socket in the house (where the cable from outside comes in). Make sure the cable you use is as short as possible, and all sockets are filtered. Some people report improvements when using expensive cables, I've seen faster speeds on an expensive 10m cable than a cheap 1m cable, but your milage if any may vary and they may be simply to expensve to be feasable.