I want to utilise realistic eat, sleep and drink with Mesogea. It can be either a plugin addon or to be merged into the main file, however needs to be verysimple, nothing fancy that will mess up other plugins and masters etc, the simpler, the less fuss, the less chance of problems. Any suggestions?
Just a suggestion - a lot of people already use hunger/thirst/sleep mods, and have preferences to the way they handle things. If you do incorporate something like this into your base mod,
you might want to make it an optional ESP for the survival package. That way if people are in the camp that "don't want to have to RP all the basic functions of
character (going to the BR, breathing, etc. )" they wont be annoyed by that while trying your mod.
Of course you are changing everything so I guess people will need a completely new mod list anyway, but I would still think about making gameplay features like that optional... just a suggestion. I like the idea of having a Survival package like that for Mesogea (b/c I've always used one for OB and MW), but others may not. It's your mod, of course so take that as you will.