Ofcourse, I find new mods every day that just ppek my interest, and recently I discovered this beautiful thing on TESGecko called .esp merging (that's not it's exact title). I took all those annoying .esps I have for clothing mods (for my character and my companions, and eyja of course!) and put them all into my never-ever-ever-he-eeevar going to be released mod where I have essentially made my own Overhaul changing many many (minor) things in the game (like my very own, personal version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch), and I figured where else would be better than to shove all these .esps?
If you think that doing that messed things up, nah. Everything is still fine - if not better! since I got less .esps now. That's right, this isn't a topic about crashing. No need for an LO because I am just fine.
No, what I am more curious about is how limited or not limited I am on merging. I realize I can't just merge every mod into a single mod, but what CAN be merged and what can't?
One thing I would like to merge are my companions. I only have a few companions in my LO, but they are .esps and I want to avoid that 255 limit and I want to stay as far away from that limit as possible. I haven't even broken 100 mods yet, but I don't even want to get close to 150, and would much prefer to stay in double digits. So, just wondering; what can be merged? not like specfic mods but are there certain types of mods that can't be merged?
I remember catching on another topic posted sometime ago animation mods shouldn't ever be merged, so I got that one down. But what else?