I'm a newbie in the area of mods and such, so bare with me if this seems like a simple question with a simply answer.
I performed a clean install of obliv and am used OBMM, BAIN, and BOSS (of course) and went through the FCOM 1st time installer cheat sheet line for line,
however Im pretty sure I missed something (.bsa extraction im thinking) .. When I start a new game and I enter the hole in the wall after the first combat encounter,
I am missing mesh(es) , specifically one that hovers over the chest with the skeleton next to it. If anyone could assist me in which .bsa I missed, or where I can
look it up I'd appreciate it.
Also, since taking interest in learning modding scripts and how to write them, I've wanted to add my own music files to certain cells (shrines, dungeons etc.), can anyone
point me in the right direction for a first timer flirting with the idea?
Thank you!