» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:33 am
After sleeping on it, I think this will be the first controls configuration I will try. Sorry Splash Damage, I won't be trying the default configuration first; but thank you Splash Damage for allowing fully customizable controls!
RT = shoot
LT = aim
LB = sprint/SMART
RB = melee
X = reload/action/use (give ammo, give health, interact, etc.)
B = grenade
Y = switch weapons
A = buff self (give self ammo, health, etc.)
LS = jump
RS = crouch
Up = Objective wheel
Left, Right, Down = class abilities
Benefits of this configuration:
#1 RB = melee is just where I am used to it playing BC2
#2 All ability-pip consuming activities are attached to buttons, X = buff others, A = self-buff, B = grenade. This means I shouldn't be using ability-pips accidentally. I like this.
#3 Both SMART actions, crouch and jump, are under my thumbs. I like having movement-related actions under my thumbs, so if I get excited and press too hard on RS I am not initiating a useless melee animation but rather a sometimes useful (and shorter) crouch animation; thus, I like how BC2 has LS = sprint and RS = crouch. However, truth be told, this is the choice I am most nervous about because Splash Damage defaults both actions to buttons. But it seems like my configuration would have the potential to work very well because I don't have to remove my thumbs from the sticks to execute any SMART-related actions.
#4 LB = sprint/SMART, just as Splash Damage suggest. Watch the following interview with Paul Wedgwood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Ozpji0HYU&feature=player_embedded where he discusses why.