yesterday, I first ever played the Morrowind mainquest and defeated Dagoth Ur. While studying the many books about the treachery of the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur I was wondering, what really happened with the Dwemer. I read Astions article "Dragon Break at the Red Mountain" and his personal theory, that the Dwemer were put into the daedric realms of Oblivion, where they were slaughtered by the inhabitants. But this is just one of very much theories. The next one said, that the Dwemer connected themselfes with the Earthbones.
But while I was reading (awesome study, btw) I made a my own theory. The whole thing of breaking time and stuff is to become deity. But in TES there are different forms of gods. The first one are "uber-gods", like Anu and Padomay. They were followed by the "middle-gods", the souls, Sithis and Auri-El. The "lesser gods" are the et'Ada. Here we go.
The lesser gods are the gods we know. In the strict sense we don't know them at all, just that what they become. The Daedra are the next step of the hierarchy, they are the "modern gods", immortal and allmighty. One step deeper, there are the Aedra, divine but not immortal. The last of the hierarchy (we ignore the mortal beings) are the half gods, like Dagoth Ur or the Tribunal. Someone may think, that the half gods are the same as the Aedra. Both are divine, but not immortal. But I think, there is a difference.
Well, what means that for the disappearance of the Dwemer? There are many texts, of what REALLY happened at the Red Mountain. At the peak of the battle between Dwemer and Chimer, Dagoth Ur and Nerevar entered the heart chamber with followers. Some books tell us, that Kagrenac run to the heart and used his tools and *slap* - the Dwemer are gone. Other books tell, that Dagoth Ur killed Kagrenac and used the tools to unlink the (immortal) Dwemer from the heart. But if the Dwemer would already be immortal, how could the Chimer come to the heart chamber. Nobody can beat an immortal enemy and I dont think, that the chamber was unguarded.
What I think:
We know, that mortals are able to transform themselfes into a godhood. This causes everytime a dragon break. These half gods have to use the tool (often a stone of a tower) regular to contuine the godhood. I think, the second story was true. Dagoth Ur unlinked the heart and the Dwemer were wiped out. But why? I think, Kagrenac knew more about the tools then the Tribunal or further, Azura. I think, he don't want the "simple way" - the half godhood. I believe, that he wanted to arrive CHIM. I don't know, what CHIM is exactly, but thats how I interprate it: we know, that the et'Ada, which later became Aedra, have cut pieces of themselfes out and in this case, they became "mortal" (not the same mortality like "normal mortals"). I think, CHIM is the try, to become et'Ada again, to recover the regular immortality, which every spirit got.
And thats it, what Kagrenac did. When the Chimer arrived at the chamber, Kagrenac was already at work to get CHIM. But CHIM is not as simple as a dragon break. Not a single individual can get it - only a whole race. And its not as fast as he might wish. The way to CHIM was choosen, but the time wasn't enough. So Kagrenac wanted to accelerate and he used the tools again, or the just died by Dagoth Ur and he stoped the process. The barrier between god and mortal is as short as make and unmake. In this case, the Dwemer were unmade, because of the process stop.
Okey folks... thats it. Please excuse my bad english and yeah... lets start another Dwemer discussion