i have recently come to a conclusion that people being looked down upon for streatching body parts (ear lobes, lips etc.) , sub-dermal implants and tattoos. are still being looked down on by society. Views on this?
I stretch my ears and have a facial peircing, and plan to get another. i have dificulty getting a job and being aloud to keep my jewelry, we live in 2011 and the trends growing, why is it still put down? i dont think changing my body to what i want it to be makes me a bad person personally.
The fun part is: people think it's bad because people think it's bad. Seriously, ask someone who has no reason to lie to you. That's why most employers don't want to hire someone with visible body modifications. People in general will see it negatively (because everyone else sees it negatively because everyone else sees it negatively because everyone else see it nega-- you get my point) and you've just given your employer a touch of bad reputation for nothing. To stand a chance with any visible body mods, especially the exorbitant ones, you need to have another means of NOT scaring off clients/customers and sinking that hook in deep so they like you, stick around, and tell your boss that you're a fantastic employee. So, have a blue ribbon smile and a warm, cuddly personality, as well as solid knowledge in your field/expertise.
Sadly, that's the world we live and die in. "If it isn't what I expect, or what I'm told is ok, then I don't like it". Too many sheeple like that for any employer to take such a risk. Well, any except those who represent a company where visible body mods are expected. You any good at tattooing? Mind selling the latest fad to non-conformists?(Yes, you, Hot-Topic) Anywhere you want to work that you're momma won't lie about to her friends, and your self-expression is gonna count against you. Sorry, brother.
Also, this topic reminds me of Surrogates. I get the feeling this "social delinquency" won't become "acceptable" until it's ubiquitous.