But when I do use it, I would like it to work, and in the past I have had issues with Wrye not wanting to work for me (does it have a script in it that sense when the user doesn't like it?) and ofcourse now that I decided to pop into my Oblivion file a bit, it decides not to work. I had made some changes to my mod list since the last time I played my Oblivion file, and so I had to correct things in my Bash patch, plus I kept getting a missing master crash from another mod so I wanted to check out which mod it was swiftly just checking over Wrye, but no...it won't open. It doesn't crash or anything,it just refuses to run. I haven't touched Wrye for awhile - let alone an Oblivion save game, so I don't know what could have possibly gone wrong since I wasn't really messing with any of its files at all. The only two possible conclusions I could come up with is 1)An important file to help it run was damaged. So to solve it, I just reinstalled Wrye...but no fix. The other conclusion of why it didn't want to work is that 2) I had to update Python for a different program completely unrelated to Oblivion, so maybe by updating it now my Wrye doesn't want to work? I don't see why, but oh well.
Anyone else have any ideas? There isn't like a LO for Wrye is there that I should post right?