Skyrim's AI

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:59 am

One thing I'd like to see them improve in AI is the chase logic. I hated how mobs would chase you all over the world. Using their own scripting language (not OBSE), I manged to create a mod where mobs would break off combat once they realized they weren't gaining any ground on you. Mobs should chase you out of their lair, but after that they should start re-evaluating their chase. If they aren't closing distance on you, they should break off combat.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:12 pm

Yeah, and keep in mind, the programmers who developed the A.I. have no doubt become smarter based on the work they did in creating Oblivion and later Fallout 3. So the A.I. they can build now will be substantially more A.I.-ish than what they were capable of 6 years ago. Plus,with their larger budget, there are no doubt MORE OF them. hahaha.

Yes Fallout 3 followers was far smarter than the one in Oblvion who again was far better than the one in Morrowind, they was more dangerous for your health than the enemy

But oblivion AI had it's entertainment factor, shooting an arrow on a bandit from long range while sneaking and he suspect a deer or mudcrab is responsible and attack them.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:04 am

Very true, but i do recall Bethesda citing the Gamesbryo Overall Engine as limiting, to the point where they had to dumb down Oblivion's AI before release.

Your mis-remembering because never have Bethesda publicly blamed Gamebryo for any short comings with MW or OB. Radiant AI is wholly Bethesda's creation and they are to blame for it's failures. Gamebryo is nothing more than a renderer and a file format included with a suite of 3rd part middle-ware that a developer must piece together into an engine. MW, OB, FO3 and F:NV are all Bethesda's engines regardless of licensing portions of them from 3rd party sources.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:18 pm

The title and the description pretty much say it all. I know the AI will be better, but will it be drastically better?

I was just playing OB and doing the "Corruption and Consience" quest ( the one where you deal with Ulrich Leland charging fines in Cheydinhal.) and I ran into something that was hilarious and worked out for me, but it still shouldn't have happened.

When the time came to decide on how to deal with Ulrich I chose to attack him in the streets. ( My char's a Nord who fights with glory and honour! Sneaking around to find evidence to bring him down? Ha! My axe will bring him down quicker than any document! Huzzah! :wink_smile: )

After attacking him it became apparent that I couldn't kill him before the guards overpowered me (I'm level 8), so I surrendered to the guards. After I yielded Ulrich struck me before the dialogue between me and the guard started, so the Guard considered this an attack on me since the last fight had stopped for him. So then he drew his sword and attacked Ulrich, and very soon the entire town guard was trying to kill him.

But wait it get's worse..... After Ulrich died the guards all turned on each other and a nearby Orc. Apparently there had been some friendly fire so the enitre town guard eradicated each other, and I only got charged with assault for the massacre I caused :tongue:.

While this made my laugh hysterically it was pretty stupid, and this has happened to me before.

So, for the sake of immersion, I'm hoping that the AI in Skyrim gets a major update. And I haven't heard much about the AI, how much better will they be? Will they do ridiculous things that make us :facepalm:? Or will they actually be able engage in combat without slaughtering an entire town?

I actually liked these occasional "error" in the AI. I enjoyed going with it, seeing how it would play out for a bit and having a laugh. While it did sometimes break immersion it was only temporary until I could go back to a previous save and have it play out just fine. It was like comic gold moments in my game. Would not trade those moments in Oblivion for the world.

Do I want such in Skyrim? Ummmm, I wouldn't mind it that is for sure, whether it was meant to be or not.

Poor City Swimmer.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:19 am

Well, I'd rather they made good combat AI than the regular NPC AI, but the latter couldn't hurt. I guess my point is: If the regular AI is screwed up, I can ignore it and hit reload, but if the combat AI is screwed up, I can't ignore it or hit reload to make it fun. =/
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:50 pm

I actually liked these occasional "error" in the AI. I enjoyed going with it, seeing how it would play out for a bit and having a laugh. While it did sometimes break immersion it was only temporary until I could go back to a previous save and have it play out just fine. It was like comic gold moments in my game. Would not trade those moments in Oblivion for the world.

Do I want such in Skyrim? Ummmm, I wouldn't mind it that is for sure, whether it was meant to be or not.

Poor City Swimmer.

In this instance it was fine and made me cry laughing, but there was a time in SI where the guards went nuts and killed somebody I needed for a quest ( The Argonian in Bliss who gives you the fork of Horipilation, I can't remember his name ) and I didn't have a save I could load up... :sadvaultboy:.

So while it is fun, what happens when you have NPC's helping you and they attack each other? There goes your help. So it's funny, but at times annoying. :wink_smile:
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:15 am

In this instance it was fine and made me cry laughing, but there was a time in SI where the guards went nuts and killed somebody I needed for a quest ( The Argonian in Bliss who gives you the fork of Horipilation, I can't remember his name ) and I didn't have a save I could load up... :sadvaultboy:.

So while it is fun, what happens when you have NPC's helping you and they attack each other? There goes your help. So it's funny, but at times annoying. :wink_smile:

This was actually not a radiant AI error but a lack of surrender and arrest function for criminal NPC. Guard run up to criminal yelling, criminal surrender. Guard go towards prison, criminal follows guard, this was used in the second thief guid quest. one to three days later the npc is placed outside the jail and normal AI function is restored.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:38 am

The AI in Oblivion is much better than most other RPGs and free roaming games. All the characters have schedules and actually live there lives unlike other RPGs where they just stand in one place for the entire game.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:02 am

I actually liked these occasional "error" in the AI. I enjoyed going with it, seeing how it would play out for a bit and having a laugh. While it did sometimes break immersion it was only temporary until I could go back to a previous save and have it play out just fine. It was like comic gold moments in my game. Would not trade those moments in Oblivion for the world.

Do I want such in Skyrim? Ummmm, I wouldn't mind it that is for sure, whether it was meant to be or not.

Poor City Swimmer.

I think video sums it up nicely :D
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gary lee
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:32 am

Well Oblivion has some awesome mods thats fixing and improve AI

Reneers Guard Overhaul
NPC with Jobs
Phitts Phighting Phixes
Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing

Radiant AI was very interesting feature, in combination with scripting make NPC behavior in oblivion awesome (thats was demonstrated E3 by Todd and expanded by mods), but there some flaws in in Radiant AI like high processor time usage.
I believe RAI was simplified for better performance mostly for consoles, thats was part of optimization for them, like divided by cells cities, oblivion was over optimized since no one know full power of nextgen consoles before.
But now I believe developers take in account old flaws but also take some inspiration from user created content.
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