Found another of those peculiar 'Taverns' which are on the map as 'Residences', and this one's even open to explore. Baelmarket Moor in Dwynnen, north a little ways of the tavern 'White Castle' on the eastern edge of the town map. It's clearly an Inn by texture and floorplan-- has a pub sign out front-- even has the trio of bartender, serving wench, and scullion standing in the lobby... but it's a residence, and offers no services. I've found three or four of these around the game, sometimes they're marked 'this house has nothing of value' (Singbeth, in Glenpoint is one) and you can't even go inside, and other times (I found one in Tigonus, though sadly didn't mark the town) they're completely empty with no one inside at all. In each case, the tavern doesn't show green on the town map, and is considered to be a residence for game purposes-- sometimes it even gets marked as a named residence for quest locations! I have to wonder if, in the hundreds of towns around the bay, there aren't other guild and business structures that are like that. Is there a 'fighter's guild' tower someplace that's a residence? A Mage's Guild? If so, are any of them on the (seemingly) random list of buildings for sale at the bank? Think about it-- somewhere, there may be a genuine tavern for sale as a house.

Keep your eyes open people! You never know what fun little thing Daggerfall may throw at you next! And if anyone finds a tavern for sale-- or anything else unique, let us know.
*Footnote: Before someone brings up the Thieves Guild building that's patterned after a Tavern, this is
not one of those. I'm familiar with the Thieves Guild structures and these buildings use the actual tavern floorplans.