blunt, that is mace, war axe, battle axe and this thing called a warhammer despite not actualy being a warhammer.
blade, that is sword, longsword, dagger and claymore.
hand to hand had hands and marksman had "bow"
^ fairly depressing.
morrowind had more, but with morrowind it was very much the same- crossbows were in but they were done wrong, copies of other weapons were made but didnt realy add anything to gameplay (like scimitars). only weapon that was different was the spear (and its clone halberd)
hand to hand SHOULD be interesting. for both morrowind and oblivion hand to hand was simply a punch. a master of hand to hand combat would still punch! why not add some moves?
kick- learned via a low level perk with various ranks, doesnt take up a weapon space so you can use it with whatever weapon combo you want. and thus hand to hand is usefull to people who want to use weapons and spells.
-if a player kicks the body or shield, the kick will push them back
- if the player kicks the leg or the head, then extra dammage is done and the opponent is halted
counter attacks, for example an oponent may thrust with a dagger, the player sweeps the weapon arm out of the way and attacks the exposed ribs for extra dammage and a chance of dissarming them
disarming, with a chance of stealing their weapon and using it on them.
also- having different gauntlets should help with damage (plate doing more,fur being useless and actually doing less damage) but make the hand slower (except for perhaps glass gauntlets) . some gauntlets should have spiked/studed versions for more dammage, and knuckle dusters should do more damage at the expense of making counter attacks worse. khajits and argonian's claws should do more damage.
marksman- the skill with also no love
short bows (or composite), are the fastest firing, lightest weapon.
long bows - do more dammage, but are slower and take more skill to use
crossbows- are more fixed than other bows (require less skill, but dont get massive bonuses at higher levels) also- the way they are operated is very different- a bow is load,draw,aim and shoot whilst a crossbow is aim,shoot and loooooaaaaaad.
throwing weapons- one handed marksman weapons
but with normal weapons
1: asian style versions of weapons (katana for claymore, wakashi for swords, tanto for daggers, naginata for halberds) should do more damage and are quicker, but cost a lot more.)
2: straight bladed weapons should be more defensive, whilst curved swords more offensive .
3: warhammers are not sticks with things "the size of a child" , they are actualy more like regular hammers designed to be more effective against plate armour.
4: two handed maces aswell as one handed ones. axes should do more dammage to flesh and are more easily blocked, whilst maces are slower
5: pole arms (trolololololololol) and make halberds different from spears!!! . make spears throw able, but halberds get to swing wide. both weapons should be great on mounts and defensive
any other suggestions?