I don't like the way revives work. As much as people complain about Rambo Medics, they provide a valuable service. Staying out of the fight gets other teammates killed. I'm just worried that people will refuse to revive themselves in the middle of a firefight to preserve their K/D. Hopefully that kind of player won't be attracted to Brink though.
That kind of player isn't going to succeed in Brink. The developers designed the game that way to reward selfless teamwork. People who play this game like a traditional COD game are going to fail to spectacular effect, they are going to ragequit, post angry hateful reviews of the game wherever they frequent online, and go back to their other games. And I don't get to play with them anymore. I find that trade more than acceptable; it's a bargain, actually.
If someone is worried about their K/D ratio, play a game where that matters. It doesn't matter in Brink. And I personally wouldn't want to play with the tryhard anyway. I'm here to have fun. So is Splash Damage. That is why I appreciate what they are doing so much.