zoidbergenstein: and obviously if you can cut your time getting to an objective down your going to put yourself at an advantage
zoidbergenstein: the difference between getting to an objective a few seconds earlier can be huge
TecHNaSTy: with the different class sizes and abilities you'll have to figure out what you want to sacrifice, and what you will want to gain as an offender, or defender... it gives players the ability to focus their game style and use it to their advantage, the smart system will give them a chance to allow many other attack routes... defensive positions etc.. being able to change your class quickly will also allow you to change strategies very quickly and adapt to situations
Mattc0m: The real cool thing about this is that maps become a much more important part of strategy, but also open up a ton of challenges. I like to draw a comparison to Quake Live and Call of Duty. In Quake, the maps have a ton of vertical, horizontal, and flanking positions and maneuvers you have to take account for. In Call of Duty, it's a largely horizontal game -- targets are directly in front of you. Brink has the ability to make maps far more interesting androbust.
Mattc0m: I definitely would say that SMART favors the offensive team, however I do see defenders utilize interesting positions, coordinated flanks, and more position-orientated strategies.