OMG no OHK/nerfed Sniping and accurate hipfiring?!

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:12 am

Well there's the problem, we're not talking about getting shot at, we're talking about taking multiple bullets to center mass and coming out like they got shot with something less powerful than an airsoft gun. For a game that finally broke the mold and decided that explosives indeed have some sort of shock wave that could possibly knock someone down and that getting whacked in the face might do something to your ability to swing back, their approach to getting shot is on a completely different end of the spectrum. It all seems rather erratic. A simple fix would be that getting hit would make you stumble a bit.

The problem with that approach is that it would put the person getting shot at at a huge disadvantage. I know, I know, he's already at a huge disadvantage because he's being filled with bullets, but what I mean is that it would be much more difficult to fight back or even try to run away if getting shot made you stumble. And the devs have said that they want people to be able to fight back a lot, not just die without having a chance to even go "What?"
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:16 am

Well there's the problem, we're not talking about getting shot at, we're talking about taking multiple bullets to center mass and coming out like they got shot with something less powerful than an airsoft gun. For a game that finally broke the mold and decided that explosives indeed have some sort of shock wave that could possibly knock someone down and that getting whacked in the face might do something to your ability to swing back, their approach to getting shot is on a completely different end of the spectrum. It all seems rather erratic. A simple fix would be that getting hit would make you stumble a bit.

Then they would have to make shotguns cause a knockdown because lets face it if you got hit in the chest with a shotgun your not going to be standing same with a long rifle and all this other stuff. Things dont have to all make sense they are making the gaming mechanics in a way so they are balanced and fun not to make sense.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:50 am

The problem with that approach is that it would put the person getting shot at at a huge disadvantage. I know, I know, he's already at a huge disadvantage because he's being filled with bullets, but what I mean is that it would be much more difficult to fight back or even try to run away if getting shot made you stumble. And the devs have said that they want people to be able to fight back a lot, not just die without having a chance to even go "What?"

I should elaborate. By stumble, I mean they shouldn't be in any condition to sprint around or jump around like a bunny rabbit with a nose-full of Columbian Bam Bam. Hip fire accuracy isn't really even being brought up anymore. That's all fine and good. BTW it would be nice if there was a range where a shotgun would knock you down, but it would probably already be a fatal shot anyway. Maybe we should just end this back-and-forth and agree to disagree. The game is probably going to turn out completely fine and balanced anyway. If not, they have that system that allows them to tweak stuff easily that they were talking about.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:13 pm

when we finally move up to VR THEN we can go super realistic weapons and physics, till then i'd like a fighting chance.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:44 pm


Doesnt matter
You will all still DIE
You will just DIE slower

Its i GAME, and this particular one is not meant to be totally realistic

1 bullet or 5 bullets
it doesnt matter cept who can play the GAME better

And since NONE of us have actually played the game, we are all kinda of ignorant and talking out of our asses
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:20 am

Not entirely true. Some of us have played demos at events. :whistling:
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

It just isn't realistic at all though. A .50 BMG round passing within 8 inches of you can tear your arm off. I don't think anybody has ever survived actually being hit by one center mass. As for hip fire, have you ever tried it? If by skill, you mean miraculously spraying bullets in a line with no worry that someone is going to cap you from afar, you sir, are part of the problem.

Able can. But he can also create blades out of mid-air and hold his breath for an hour,

\yes, in real life hip aiming isnt great but then again IRL you dont press a button to lift a heavy weapon up to your eye.

Well said. Have a :ph34r:

I've said it time and time again. Guns are meant to kill. Not whittle away gently as we consider the ramifications of our actions and the plot of "one flew over the coocoo's nest."You make a mistake and you're dead. That's the way I like it.

In a game like Operation Flashpoint (Never played it, sorry), that makes sense. If you're fighting at realistic distances (100 m+), you can afford to have everything be a OHK. Not in 5-10m firefights.

THANK YOU! Hate the games you hate, love the games you love. I find most people go from title to title hating the old one, loving the new one. Fable and Bad Company are my loyalties and always have been. I was a fan of Halo until 3 died down and CoD and I have a definate love/hate cautious relation but I admit it and stick too my guns on my standings.

If I feel like running round with an SMG and calling down napalm strikes, I play Black Ops. I play it quite a bit actually. And I spend a lot of time in full stealth gear camping in bushes in hardcoe FFA. But I'm not usually in that sort of mood.
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steve brewin
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:07 pm

Not entirely true. Some of us have played demos at events. :whistling:

i despise ppl luckier than me :verymad:

jk.......jk......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i hate u
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:34 am

If you're unable to discern by the nature, or ilk if you will, of my general demeanor when posting on these fora that I'm capable of understanding a commonly used word in my native language - well, I have some news for you. The comment is ignorant because his tone implies a certain indiscriminate and vicious glee on part of the camping sniper, and was made with a negative tone to portray that all such snipers, "up on a hill whose been camping [all game]...Having the time of your life, just kill, after kill, after kill..." are pubascent, immature, incapable of intelligent play and morality that extends beyond just the self. It's not only hyperbole but generalization and groupism, and thus by nigh every definition of the word: ignorant.

The designer is obviously not ignorant of why he made the game a certain way, but the reason for making the game a certain way can (and in this case, appears to be) ignorant. Furthermore, the only times where people have come on my forums, on to my teamspeak, and in to my server to whine about anything (usually helicopters or snipers, I play Battlefield until BRINK releases) is when a good number of my clan are on the server and we are organized and obliterating the opposing team. That one sniper is rarely just one sniper causing you problems, though he may be getting a noticeable portion of the kills. You either get a sniper rifle yourself and take him out, shoot a rocket, a skilltube (40mm launcher), flank him, bum rush him, switch servers, or stop playing because if you are miserable why for God's sake are you still playing?

Nerfing snipers because you want them to fill a specific role in your fast-paced FPS is one thing; nerfing snipers because they touched you in a bad spot is entirely another. To clarify, teamwork is the emphasis in this game - team based objectives are more important than turning every game mode in to a death-match. So the lone sniper posted wherever camping all match has pretty much no role in BRINK even with OHK, and the role long-rifles have in BRINK fits their stated overarching gameplay. And to reiterate, because reading comprehension is at an all-time low, I do not believe OHK/camping with a sniper should be encouraged or included within BRINK. I agree with the sentiment that they are used to take a chunk of HP out of your target, to finish him or her off with a secondary weapon.

The entire quote speaks of malice and ignorance, which is why I called it so.

First off Im sorry that I included the statement about doubting your grasp of the english language.

On the flipside my reading comprehension is just fine, I just happen to disagree with your claim that the dev was ignorant. I believe that vast majority of the camping snipers from games like CoD are in fact pubascent immature and immoral when it comes to gaming. (Not saying as human beings they are immoral, just in the setting of the game) And even they do not represent a majority, you cannot say that people with the mentality that he described are a rare occurrence. The devs wanted to do the best that he could to eliminate that from happening at all, which i believe is commendable.
Im sure that he was not trying to keep level headed, tactically minded players from enjoying brink. I just dont think there are many of this kind of player in the aforementioned group.
I personally do not get upset at people that camp as Ive said in other posts, I understand why they do it in certain games and I am not faulting them for that. I was trying to convey that I am glad that brink does not reward that behavior and that it is creating a different type of gameplay.
I actually took his tone to be more playful or jovial than filled with malice, but we obviously have different opinions. :brokencomputer:
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Toby Green
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:43 am

LOL! Really? I don't know if you have noticed...but BRINK isn't supposed to be "realistic". I seriously hope you were just making a joke.

While we are on the topic of realism...please explain how COD gameplay is "realistic". It's the most unrealistic crap I've ever seen. Running around stabbing people in the back is realistic? Running around with a noobtube shooting at will without getting tired and perfect accuracy is realistic? To use your line, have you ever shot an RPG? LOL.

BRINK isn't about realism. It's about balance in classes, shooting, movement, etc. That's what makes the game skillful. Not your severely unbalanced gameplay preferences. I'm part of the problem huh? LMFAO.

I like how you bring up CoD in a reply to a post that didn't even mention CoD.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:31 am

The only thing I would like to emphasise is indeed that Brink is not designed to be realistic.

That is all.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:39 am

In my opinion hip firing should be accurate for about 10-15 feet, for SMGS and ARs. LMGs should be less and snipers even more less.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:23 am

Sniper rifles would be more accurate, hip-firing... it's the fire rate that's the disadvantage...

But at the same time Brink isn't realistic, and it's fair to have inaccurate hipfiring on long rifles.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:24 am

Just to point something out. These seem like rifles similar to those in Red Dead Redemption. Not the snipers, the unscoped rifles. So they do well long range, but can be used close range. Although RDR in a totally different game. But light rifles seem to be able to be used in aggression. About two shots with a bolt action and there is no flinch when shot. Semi autos see to take quite a few shots. But we'll have to see.

They aren't even snipers. So....

All a sniper rifle is is an accurate rifle, generally we then attach a scope and suddenly we have a masterpiece for the guy who can calculate distance, wind, and movement speed. The Buffalo Rifle (from RDR) is a sniper's rifle, we just tend to think of scoped weapons when we think "sniper".

Anyways a couple of things for the last two pages or so since I don't want to quote a book.

There seems to be a clear discussion between those of the "arcade shooter" type and those of the "tac shooter" type, stop including "campers" as part of one side, they are their own issue and exist in all games. They are generally not members of one style or the other, they are simply players that aren't good at either.

Neither style is better, just different. The arguments used here seem to fail to recognize that the games they reference are tilted for one style or the other. Quake and the like were arcade shooters, Battlefield is intended as a tac shooter, games like CoD (although still tilted toward arcade) are go betweens. You can win by playing arcade or by playing tactically and they have mechanics intended for use by each side. Brink stands a chance at being the next great go between, as it tilts various aspects in each direction.

Being able to win at a game that's tilted in your favor doesn't make you a better gamer, it makes the game better for you. If you can't do what you do in another shooter perhaps you don't have the skills you think you do. Brink is the field of play and if you'll take a look at the majority of quotes from various devs, they're trying to make a playing field acceptable to all sides so go show what you can do and stop whining about what others can or can't.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:00 am

In a game like Operation Flashpoint (Never played it, sorry), that makes sense. If you're fighting at realistic distances (100 m+), you can afford to have everything be a OHK. Not in 5-10m firefights.

Not everything has to be OHK in a OHK enviroment though...what I was signifying more is the "hardcoe" enviroment where some things arer OHK and others are just ramped up. Having to hit someone 2-4 times to down them sounds great to me. It makes you a faster & steadier draw, sure you don't have to sit there trained on a target for ten minutes but it speeds up encounters and all around just makes people alittle more keen to how important crossing an open street actually is.

Games like Gears, Halo and softcoe modes abound are just my reasoning where you have to plug a guy with 8 rounds of a 12 gauge as he's jumping around like a freshly castrated horny bunny on crack. If they want to make a game with more knock down dragged out firefights, make guys beefeir yet slower. Like how Rainbow Six Vegas was.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:49 am

Games are made to be fun, and enjoyable. If you want fear, and realism I suggest you go enlist in the military.

There's a differance between life threating fear and fear through excitement/anxiety. People go to horror films all the time to be afraid...not be ACTUALLY eaten by the monster.

You play paintball or airsoft knowing one shot is going to kill you. You do it for the rush and adrenaline boost of knowing this. Thats what i want to see in a game...not knowing that a single round could actually kill me the person.

Come up with better reasoning or I'll seriously be left with a decision on your age level.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:51 pm

One of the developers....

He also had this to say about one hit kills:
“One hit kills – when you’re some [censored] sniper up on a hill whose been camping there all game, having a great time. Having the time of your life, just kill, after kill, after kill, you know what? For the good time you’re having, you’re making five, ten people MISERABLE. That is a really bad ratio for us as developers. We would much rather say, “sorry sniper guy, there’s plenty of other games you can play, we’d like everybody else to have a good time now.”
- Richard Ham

Now that is the kind of developer ideology we need in more games, for the exact reason that whenever i play CoD these days, its either some no-life [censored] who never stops playing or some kid who just happened to pick up the game and can't play worth a [censored], that i end up against. If you look at it from balancing perspectives, the noobtubes and rocket launchers are there to give the idiots who can't play an FPS game a chance to get a kill once in a while, while the no-lifers end up using them and just completely F*** up your day.

For those of you who are CoD fans, don't get me wrong on this one and please don't take this the wrong way, but a vast majority of gamers on those kinds of games have ZERO skill at FPS games but they just happen to be able to get a good K/D because of lame assed OHK explosive launchers and camping in a corner with a sniper.

Only time i've ever seen skill shown on CoD is when i watched my cousin get a nuke on S&D, using a mini uzi silenced. although technically he is kinda one of the no lifers that i tend to hate (He's got the maps memorized down to the point where if you don't have ninja he knows exactly where you are and will kill you thru the wall the moment you move.)

As for your paintball/airsoft comment Anarchy, You show a good point there. Thing is in order to balance the game properly so that all players can enjoy it equally, the no OHK's is probably the best choice, i personally would enjoy playing the kind of game where it has that kind of 'fear' in mind just because it gets you thinking even more about where your opponent could be and where he can hit you from if you try for crossing the street. I'm also an experienced paintballer IRL so i know that kind of adrenaline rush, no game has been able to get even a small scale similarity to the actual sport. If you want that kind of felling from a game, don't bother looking for one, just go out and play for real.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:24 am

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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:07 am

I'm very interested in this game for the longer kill times. Like the OP requires much more skill to kill someone keeping your aimer on the enemy for longer periods. I have played CoD competitively with a 2.72 K/D with pure gun kills/grenades/knife. I have maybe 4 kills total with a grenade launcher. Never use it. CoD is all about getting the first shot on your opponent and out-positioning your enemy to get that first shot..but in other games like halo and quake which are far better IMO they actually give you the opportunity to out "skill" your opponent by giving you more health, allowing to to possibly come back and win a fight even when you have been caught off guard. This game seems to reward that and also the team with the best teamwork/gun skill/strategy. Most ppl think CoD does this, but in all completely fails at it. Teamwork is virtually non-existent. Battlefield is so vehicle oriented that it almost makes running and gunning obsolete. Which is why I don't play BF. I have been a competitive gamer for about 5 years now and I am interested if this game will have a competitive community along with tournaments/gamebattles/etc and will Bethesda support this community or just the casuals???
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:59 am

Im right there with you OP
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:18 am

Someone...please anyone...get this man a medal and some cake before I kill you... just do it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:23 am

Whats sad is that how absolutely every die-hard COD fan on the websites will rip your face off for suggesting that COD isn't realistic. Thing is your right, a person can't take 5-6 bullets to the chest, shoot the guy that shot him, then proceed to book it around the corner just to heal up and do it again 5 seconds later.
IRL without any sort of body armor, 1 bullet from a 9mm is all it takes to kill you, that one shot hits you anywhere in the torso and its going to do enough damage to either kill in minutes or hours (without immediate medical attention) if it doesn't outright kill you. you take that bullet to the arm or leg, the chances of using that arm or leg within the next few days is slim because of the damage it would do to the veins/arteries, muscle tissue, and bone, not to mention that the chances of bleeding out are pretty damn good if you don't have that medical attention ASAP. Now if you have that body armor, depending on the caliber of the gun and the kind of armor your wearing, its still gonna knock you around but probably won't punch through unless you hit a weak point or the same area several times, as for when it does go through, the bullet velocity will decrease enough that unless it hits something vital, your not dead until you bleed out but that bullet defiantly isn't leaving your body with the remaining velocity and thus doing considerable more damage if it bounces around once or twice.

For those of who on the Barrett .50 Cal, that thing is a [censored] beast rifle, the recoil on it will probably do more damage to you than the guy your shooting at if it isn't mounted and properly fired. The lightweight .50 cal rifles can be shot without mounting but absolutely MUST be done in prone with proper support or your going to be breaking your shoulder and that bullet will never make it to the target. (By the time it leaves the barrel the recoil would have already dropped you to the ground from the pain of the kick-back, and while that bullet is still in the barrel, direction of travel can change at the slightest motion of the barrel.) Same physics go with all rifles, longer barreled rifles have a greater chance of this occurring though. As for the 8 inches and your arm is gone from page 1, that is total [censored] bro, 8 inches is a long ass miss, within an 8th of an inch you'd do some damage, the subsonic waves that follow that bullet will probably tear open your skin/muscles at that distance, now if it passed an 8th of an inch from your head, your brain would be flattened to the back/side of your skull from that wave even if the outward physical damage looked minimal. Now if it hits you, dear god thats a whole different story, Nothing left of your brain bucket, big ass hole in the chest, or garunteed missing limbs, depending on the point of impact.

Now onto Hip fire [censored]. As was probably stated many times already, in every proper FPS game there is absolutely ZERO hip fire going on. The term 'From the hip' just means your not taking that extra half second to sight the gun. the bullet will still go where the barrel is pointing and will not randomly veer off to the side just cause your not ADS. the only games i have played so far that accurately does this is the Rainbow 6 series. While unmoving the shooter has a much better control over his/her rifle and thus the bullets go where he/she wants them too, BUT while moving that control is not as accurate and the gun will be bouncing around more because of your motion and thus you get your spread, the more you move, the bigger the spread. Even while ADS, motion will affect the spread because if the barrel even slightly twitches as the bullet is traveling thru it, the bullet goes to the spot in which it was pointing when it finally exits the barrel. Games like Operation Flashpoint also do a decent job at this kind of realism not only for damage but also for gun physics in the sense that the potential spread is minimal while not ADS and unmoving,

#1 very true, COD also was unrealisitc in the sense where you could fire a weapon, M4A1 for example, on Full Auto and do near Bullet on Bullet shots without being prone, a very good muzzle brake, and a bi pod. (even then it is impossible to do so.)

#2 This wants to have a word with you...

#3 even jerking the trigger instead of squeezing it will change the POI of the weapon.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:53 am

I've been playing Call of Duty with friends on a nightly basis since Modern Warfare 1, World at War, MW2, and Black Ops.
May 10th will finally be the day I trade in that P.O.S. Game for Brink!
I'm sick of the B.S. the lag cheaters, the glitchers, all who must feel the need to be the top of the leaderboards. The unbalanced game play like the knifes, and the NO SCOPES UGHHHH!!!!
The public gamers who are all about Team Me!
Every night I log off feeling such hatred for gaming, when instead I should be enjoying the game.
There's not a night that doesnt pass where you wont hear one of us blurt out loud, I hate this F'n game!

Now finally a game based on team game play. No leaderboards to need to grind to get a high score. No hearing how I svck from a 12 year old cause my Kill Death Ratio isnt 15 to 1.
When in reality, I qualified and participate in several shooting matches.

The guys I game with show concern that this game doesnt appear to be gaining huge amount of talk. I say thats a great thing. Leave all these wanna be sniper, call of duty [censored] to their crap.
Let us gather the gamers who wanna play as a team and finally enjoy the game!!!

Thank you for finally standing out and creating a game that goes against the same ol s#it.
Sometimes I feel like you have a camera in my house, and everytime I mention I hate this F'n game, you log down and have removed it from Brink.

I will hype this game to all my friends, and our site cannot wait to play Brink!!!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:27 am

LOL! Really? I don't know if you have noticed...but BRINK isn't supposed to be "realistic". I seriously hope you were just making a joke.

While we are on the topic of realism...please explain how COD gameplay is "realistic". It's the most unrealistic crap I've ever seen. Running around stabbing people in the back is realistic? Running around with a noobtube shooting at will without getting tired and perfect accuracy is realistic? To use your line, have you ever shot an RPG? LOL.

BRINK isn't about realism. It's about balance in classes, shooting, movement, etc. That's what makes the game skillful. Not your severely unbalanced gameplay preferences. I'm part of the problem huh? LMFAO.

Two headshots is still extremely unrealistic. I am excited for this game, and believe that you do actually have to have skill to play this game. It's going to be sweet. I still like CoD, but this will be a nice change of action. A great thing.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:03 pm

I was about to slam but you hit the nail on the head i was sold from reading about the body types in game informer
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