So, I know there is a patch coming out soon to fix all these problems, but here's an interesting one: Each time I've had to load the wasteland, it has gotten longer and longer. How do I know? Other than the obvious time factor, I started with only 1 background picture and it was done loading. Now, I am up to 3 background picture rotations, which takes a full minute, or more to load. Why is it doing this!?
Also, my game has frooze up numerous times (As well as it just freezing up for 5 seconds, then be able to play for 2 before It freezes up again).
I would try installing the game to the HDD if you haven't already, then clearing cache upon each load of the game (LB, RB, and X - all held simultaneously while you load the game, until the Bethesda logo appears).
I'm pretty sure there is a bad memory leak in there. I do this each time, and also quit out and reload if I am playing for more than 2 hours at a time. Seems to help. Also, if you want to be extra safe, turn off Autsave and back up your save files every once in a while to a USB memory stick. That's what I do, and I'm guessing thats about as safe as you can play it, other than avoiding all the various places people have mentioned are glitched.