I would just like to say that i love the game, and also i have not got enough time to look through the whole forum to see if this solution has been posted, so if it already has then i am sorry for repeating someone else, and would appreciate it if the trollers out there would leave it be.
Right first of all you need
1. The new vegas 'key needed' glitch
2. A gun of any kind (probably a good idea to have no splash damage)
3. health boosting equipment and the ability to run away as quickly as possible without losing all DT. MK2 combat armour is what i had on.
Right i not sure how this will fare on other xbox's but it worked on mine well

kill a securitron at the gate, and loot the body for a key, and then run.
once you lose the other securitrons fast travel away to anywhere (i went to the 188)
wait for 5 days (difficult in HC mode, but there is a food shop at the 188)
go back and all should be good, and key should fix the glitch
Good luck, hope it works for you