So, on my way to Nipton this Thomas guy runs in to me and asks "Did you se that?" and tells me about this crazy girl traveling with him that suddenly attacked him. Where is she? I have been serching for her (or her body if Thomas killed her) to se if she had any more Starcaps. Is she siomewhere around Nipton or in Nipton or doesnt she even exist?
She exists. She should have been a short way away from there. She and Thomas spawn firing at each other. I'm surprised you miss it, it's right on/by the road to Nipton.
Yes, she had a name. I encountered them in two different saves. First time, she's running from him claiming he's crazy because she's losing the fight. Damned convincing too.
She gave me this crap story and was trying to get my blue caps, i killed her and found a note on Thomas that said she basically seduced him to get his blue caps.
To OP, she's probably dead somewhere in the area where Thomas talked to you
LOL! The first time I played through I heard some shooting and went to check it out and see this raging gun battle between them and then as the previous poster said she took off running claiming he was crazy and since I was going the white knight route I pulled out my rifle and head-shot him. I went on my merry way humming to myself only to find out later that I shot the wrong person!!!!