Hmm, to be honest, I've never been using companions much in the entire fallout series, prefering to be a bit of a lonewolf. But that's because I've found them harder to manage than companions in other game such as the Baldurs gate series and so forth. You can't give'em stimpacks, weapons or armor - expect by reverse-pickpocketing and that can be a bit tedious. Main problem with it, however, is that because you can't "help" them to become stronger/more useful by giving'em stimpacks, armor & new weapons, it means they're in most cases going to die... fairly easily :facepalm: . There's also other problem, such as an un-stealthy approach and so forth that I'm sure has been brought up.
However, if there's a system in the game which allows you to help'em become stronger like this and so forth, then I may be inclined to pick up one companion or two during the course of the game. Especially if they have their own thing going, instead of being only our hirelings of sort