How to install Daggerfall on your Mac

Post » Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:42 pm

Daggerfall Installation for Mac OS X users

So, after several hours of frustration looking for a way to get Daggerfall to work on my mac, I finnaly came up with a good, solid method. At first I found that all instructions for how to install Daggerfall are for PC. So, after some scrounging and searching, I put together a method for installing Daggerfall on macs that actually takes less steps than it would on a PC.

So, without further ado, how to install Daggerfall on a Mac:

1.The first step is download Boxer, a DOSbox program that runs well under Mac OS X, unlike regular DOSbox, which is a pain in the behind. Boxer can be downloaded from, if you already have Boxer, than I suggest getting the newest version so you don't have a nasty error message half-way through installaltion (older Boxer apps do NOT install Daggerfall).
2.Now that you have Boxer install package, install it on your computer, this is fairly easy, all you have to do is open the Boxer directoy icon and follow the instructions.
3.Now Download the Dfinstall file from Bethesda's sight.
4.Unzip the package using Mac OS X's atomatic Archiving tool. Double-clicking on the file should work; no ctrl clicking required.
5.Once the .Zip file is unpacked, you should have a file on your desktop entitled “Dfinstall,” or something similar, Drag this file into the Boxer app were it says “Drag Games to Install Here.”
6.When the game begins the install screen, click on the first option. Go through the installaltion settings. When you get to install size, choose the largest size (Huge). I used auto-detect on the sound settings, and this seemed to work fine.
7.Unfortuantly, were not done yet, Boxer will ask if you want to make a fake CD, go ahead and click “yes.”
8.After this is done, open the Dfinstall folder on your desktop and copy “DAGGER213.” Now go to Boxer and ctrl click on DFCD, choose “Show package contents.” Select the folder “DAGGER,” and paste “DAGGER213” into it.
9.Ctrl click on “DAGGER213” and select “Open with,” and then “Boxer.” A message comes up warning you that Boxer may not run it, etc. Click “Run anyway,” and DOSbox should open up. When DOSbox asks you if you want to install the the update, you need only press the Y key. Boxer will install the patches the your Daggerfall copy.
10.You should now have a working copy of TESII: Daggerfall! To play, simply double-click “DFCD” in the Boxer menu.

If you have questions or wish for something thing added-changed, please feel free to send me a PM or post in this thread.
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