I hole heartedly agree! it is a pain to boot up in the substandard, rickety system but, it is our only choice if we want to play games at the same level as other PC users!
o_0 Tell that to my OS X (Data) which has been, on a few occasions, fixed by my Win7 (Lore)... or were you being facetious?
I'm on love with my aluminum and have the whole 'Man With Two Brains', dual boot thing going on. Both OS' have learned to read/write each others' language(s) using Paragon software and I've had to fix both with the opposite. Some NTFS errors which Win couldn't fix, Mac gets around without issue while, as mentioned above, I've also had to get into OS X with Win to get it to boot. Combined in one machine, it's the most stable system I've ever had.
Anyone else with a multi-touch trackpad rig figured out how to get left taps to allow firing while sniping without the left tap negating the aiming (holding bottom right R-Click)? My only issue with my MBP (save that I could fry an egg on it while running Windows) is that Gamebryo games and the trackpad don't seem to allow for simultaneous L and R clicking, in fact, the tap inputs don't seem to work at all except when L-Tapping while physically holding down the 'button', but then I'm left not aiming, you know? Magic mouse works, but I'd love to figure out how to get the same performance out of the trackpad for sniping/shield raising + attacking. Tap inputs work with Dragon Age...