Which Daggerfall skill would you most like in Skyrim?

Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:03 am

Climbing since I heard about mountains and shiz.

Climbing in Daggerfall did not help you climb mountains just plain horizontal walls, yes it don't make sense.
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Big mike
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:02 am

Climbing in Daggerfall did not help you climb mountains just plain horizontal walls, yes it don't make sense.

Daggerfall had no mountains. It was all pretty much flat.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:19 pm

If you had you'd know climbing only allowed you to climb up strait walls, and had no animation... so I voted for backstabbing, would be a usefull stealth skill...

In Oblivion, backstabbing was moved into stealth skill as a perk.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:00 pm

In Oblivion, backstabbing was moved into stealth skill as a perk.

There were no perk 'nor stealth skill... and the Daggerfall skill aplied to stabbing in the back only... you didn't even have to be sneaking...
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:49 am

Climbing without a doubt. Even if athletics and acrobatics are not skills, climbing is much more specialised and complex, and would make a great stealth skill, sneaking into a high tower in a castle to assassinate a lord and then scampering away over rooftops if you are caught.

Who needs backstabbing? The action of stabbing someone in the back is pretty damn simple. It's good it now comes under sneak.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:58 am

please climbing.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:38 pm

Were is the none option, or "other" option, really need to make "other" an automatic part of polls, to prevent poor polling....
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:13 pm

I was going to say Climbing, but knowing that is not in the game, didn't bother voting for it. I voted for medical. It would actually make sleeping or waiting a bit more revilant. I hated how all I had to do is wait 1 hour and I become fully healed. Hopefully this is the not the case in Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:56 am

I was going to say Climbing, but knowing that is not in the game, didn't bother voting for it. I voted for medical. It would actually make sleeping or waiting a bit more revilant. I hated how all I had to do is wait 1 hour and I become fully healed. Hopefully this is the not the case in Skyrim.

Yes, I think this could also be a good aspect to add to the game, if implemented effecively. Probably my second choice. But still, the poll isn't really about what IS going to be in, but what you'd like to be in.
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:54 am

There were no perk 'nor stealth skill... and the Daggerfall skill aplied to stabbing in the back only... you didn't even have to be sneaking...

Speaking of that Backstabbing skill, in Skyrim I think that the sneak critical damage should be applied when you attack someone from behind as well.
That way you could sneak attack someone first, then after they see you, you somehow lose them, and strikes them in the back (with sneak bonus damage again) while they are searching for you. :)

Could you stun your enemies in Daggerfall? If so, that Backstabbing skill sounds quite useful for a Thief-type character.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:16 am

Climbing would be awesome. And critical strike, simply because it would allow for awesome finishing/critical moves.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:32 am

I'm not so certain any of these are needed or are not already implemented under a different name/category:

Backstabbing - daggers will do more stealth damage, finishing moves already in
Climbing - confirmed as not being in
Critical strike - maybe as a perk
Daedric, Giantish, Harpy, Impish, Nymph, Spriggan - Speechcraft replaced most all the language abilities. I would like to see it expanded (perks added, etc) to talk your way out of fights with Daedra and other intelligent monsters.
Dragonish - Dragon language is in (dragon shouts), written text
Orcish - Orcs are a regular race now! This is useless!
Medical - Restoration magic work fine, no need to duplicate abilities.
Streetwise - Personality basically handled this in previous games. Merchantile or Speechcraft perks might now.
Thaumaturgy - What did this do?
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:29 am

Of course they're not needed! That's the whole point!
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:58 am

Is climbing really that hard to impliment? Just make it as a vertical walk where you use both hands. Would be great to have!
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:25 am

Medical would be awesome, along with some medic items and limb damage.

Restoration could be limited in that it only heals HP at low levels, you need to be a master restorationist to fix damaged limbs - but then it's free, requires no items.

Or something.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:42 am

Havent played Daggerfall but look at those useless skills
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:35 am

Is climbing really that hard to impliment? Just make it as a vertical walk where you use both hands. Would be great to have!

Visually, not much of a problem. It just requires the generation of animations. It's also not too hard to actually make the character climb upwards. The action itself is very simple. The difficulty is in having the game handle this dynamically in a satisfying fashion when you encounter various obstacles, and deciding just how sensitive the skill should be in relation to the angles of various objects. You run the risk of making the character begin climbing when he encounters the slightest obstacle, or not being able to climb things which the player reckons should be possible to climb. There are numerous hurdles and pitfalls in the design of such a skill for a modern game, so the real difficulty is in all of that stuff which isn't actually seen by the player, but handled behind the scenes. Then after you've gone through all the trouble of getting it to work (as a programmer) you've created a balancing issue with the possibility of breaking quest and storyline progression by allowing the player to reach areas in different ways than you expected and planned for; also a level design complication that drastically change the requirements of areas. So it's not only a lot of tricky work in getting it to work in a satisfactory manner but it also potentially ruins the game if it's not a completely free form sand-box, like in Daggerfall. In my opinion, the whole game would need to have been designed from the ground up with the intention to support the climbing ability for it to be a worthwhile, sensible addition. It couldn't just be slapped onto a product with the expectation that it would somehow get better because of it.

In regards to which skill I would actually like most in Skyrim, I'd have be Critical Strike. It seems to be one of the only useful skills of Daggerfall's that could be seamlessly integrated into the game with minimal hassle. Ultimately though, I don't think its worth the trouble. I'd rather see them invent new skills for the game than bringing back the old ones that were long ago considered obsolete.
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:33 pm

Dragonish is making a return, sorta. Considering you are Dragon Born it's be kinda odd if it didn't.

But the one skill I could see making a return from that list is climbing as part of athletics, like swimming is. This is a skill that both critics of Morowind and Oblivion have been complaining about for a long time, and a skill that a lot of people agree would be useful towards characters of sneaky persuasion. So in all likelihood it'll be in Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:07 am

Most of this skills was useless, speechcraft and attribute check can handle most language and conversation skills, but also there was spelleffects like Demoralize, Command, Frenzy, Rally.
Climbing very interesting since acrobatic skill was removed or merged with athletic, and no any levitation or jump spell in Skyrim, it can be usefull for player and enemy NPC both, but thats hard to believe that developers do it, even simple hang at edge of ledges and climbing up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xZNcIRauA under question, and definitely there no parkour like in Assassin Creed or Mirrors Edge.

The second one Medical skill was interesting in Daggerfall since it invoked each time when character rests allowing one to diagnose minor injuries and illnesses, player will not recognize instantly if he has contracted a disease, but must wait until the incubation time has passed, which can take many hours. Apparently the time which is necessary to diagnose a disease depends on one's medical skill. Once the incubation time has passed the disease from which the player suffers will be visible in the status screen, not like in Morrowind and Oblivion where disease was automatically visible in the status screen.
Entering fast-traveling under such circumstances is very dangerous and the player will get a warning if he tries to do this, saying that he will most likely not survive the journey. As soon as the player knows that he suffers from a disease, he should cure himself as soon as possible using a potion or a spell. In many cases it can be already too late to seek out a temple healer. In case one is lucky and has survived the journey to a temple, its healer will cure the player of all diseases, provided one has the sufficient amount of gold for the cure. The costs of such a cure depend on how many and which diseases the player has contracted, however on some special holidays the temple healers will cure everybody for free or for only a marginal amount of gold.
In Daggerfall losing attributes was fearsome, since zero mean dead for player, poisons and diseases was much more interesting, player actually take them in account.
In Morrowind and Oblivion zero attribute just zero in character statistic screen no more, but in Morrowind diseases was divided to common and blight and corprus, which has different level of danger and need different cure, in oblivion diseases become even more simplified they become just temporal injuries thats can be handled with very common Cure Disease form potions spells and altars.
Cure Disease was devaluated in Oblivion since it was too common and easy reachable, I use some mods for making diseases much more interesting like they was before in TES

Risky Inn Beds
The Treatment of Diseases
KEa_ Skil_ Extender ENG v233
Oblivifall - Losing My Religion
Mercers Ingredient Effect Overhaul
Disease Cure Overhaul - Deadly Diseases

In Fallout 3 and Fallout NV medicine was much better then in Oblivion, not need to say thats Restoration and alchemy will become useless with medical skill because they can complement each other like before in TES and work together for better experience from game.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:42 pm

There were no perk 'nor stealth skill... and the Daggerfall skill aplied to stabbing in the back only... you didn't even have to be sneaking...

Therefore my great, great idea of merging Backstabbing and Critical Strike. I dont like how sneaking covers pickpocket and backstabbing in TES4, since I like to play a hunter who sneaks in the woods all day long, and somehow he becomes a master assassin that way.

Medical - Restoration magic work fine, no need to duplicate abilities.

This! Please explain a bit further.
Why have swords when you can kill with magic?
Why have horses, roads, ships when you can teleport?
Why have beds since you have restore fatique spells?
Why have anything beside magic, since there IS magic? Getting my point?

Medical is NOT a skill to cut due uselessness.

Is climbing really that hard to impliment?

It sure is. Heard of Assassins Creed? A game that was supposed to have climbing on the walls and assassinations, but it was never released since they couldn't implement climbing ;)
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:10 am

I voted centaurian, only because there wasn't an option for all languages :stare:
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