Nic-V's Mods

Post » Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:33 am

This is a catch-all discussion thread of all my mods that I've decided to post simply because the old threads... Well, they don't exist anymore :lol:
Pretty big beggar realism pack, it has expanded a lot with time but includes the ability to switch features on and off.
This mod rebuilds the Imperial City Temple District streets and trees three days after picking up your Imperial Dragon Armor.
This mod makes the Knight of Order armor playable. Apparently you have to complete some sort of quest to get it (I can't remember the details of my own mod lol).
Adds a horse to Shivering Isles, acquired either without doing anything or after a specific event in the plot. Different variations to choose from.
Gives you the ability to lock your own houses.
It... Yes well it makes it so the weather doesn't change near Oblivion gates.obviously XD
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Taylrea Teodor
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