After the FO:NV burn, I wont be pre-ordering anymore games from bethesda. I would honestly suggest that no one else does either. As for the NV DLC, NOPE! Not buying that, if you want to teach them a lesson you have to hit them in the bank account. Because if you don't boycott the DLC, they wont listen. If you do just ignore this and keep buyying their products without question, you can't complain the next time they burn you.
Really... Don't think there going miss you. Despite all the bugs and glitches in the Vegas game did you ignore the improvements of the differences between FO3 and FNV? If the game was sold broken no one would get past the start screen period. There those that completed the game and replaying it still regardless of its flaws. I'm on my 2nd completion on my 5th try. It is anyone plan to decide to purchuse Skyrim or not in the future. They can say "oh yea i'm not going buy it because of FNV." SkyRim comes out of 11/2011. Besides can you create a game on your own from start to finish without some kind of problems to it?
Because so far there are not alot of "perfect" games out there.
How far did you get through on your game baracous?
As for everyone else it's your decision to by or pre-order another game from gamesas. So far despite all the bugs and glitches in game itself; there is alot of improvement from FO3 and FNV. That should speak volumes over bugs and glitches.
Customers can complain and say what they like and dislike from the game. And through these boards they are reading our issues of the game Obsideden worked months over. That way they know what to fix and get a patch out to fix the multiple bugs and glitches.
But if you go the boycott way... nothing really is going get done in fixing the game.
Oh and if companies didn't care about the customers then no patches would come out...