By Zachary Healey (Fubb)
A Fallout Fan Fiction
Chapter 1
The nights were always filled in a dark blue haze that illuminated the landscape. Stars twinkled over head, sitting still in the night sky. The moon, an amazing blue colour.
Here, it was different. Here it was well. Grass grew, and a warm breeze blew through the area, touching and caressing every uncahanged object that made this area biuetiful, making sure it was still there.
Outside, it was ugly. Hot, destroyed, full of danger. Death and bad memories lingered there. But here, it was different. The grass grew long and green, and it danced in the wind. Even flowers grew here, flowers of all things! Flowers had not been seen for many years.
Outside the only vegitation was dead, mutated, or alive.
Here, the land was in a small mountian valley. The mountians overlooking the valley, casting off a blue radiance glow in reflection of the night sky.
Outside it was flat, except for the few rocky mountians and old ruins from the war
Here, it was different. Here, it was Snooze Land
Hadrian look along the grassy field, nodding at the grass, waving and weeving in the wind. The wind often blew at night, in this Valley that he and his fellow survivors found when he was only a child. That was 40 years ago, and it hadn't changed a wink. He liked that. This place was the only safe haven from the outside wasteland. Raiders never came here, nor did mutants or other dangorous things. As for the people who had come here, they all had stayed.
This was the most bieutiful spot in the wasteland, no doubt. Food was abundant, everything was peaceful, and everybody knew eachother. It was a lively, peacefull community.
Hadrian stared back. He had heard the soft pad of feet sneaking around the grass behind him. "I know your there" He said without turning around, smiling at the familar tug on his tunic
"Daddy why are you up?" Asked his son, Jack, one hand in his mouth and the other tugging on his tunic
"Admiring Jack, admiring." He smiled as he picked Jack up. There they sat, staring out at the grassy fields, and the mountians beyond.
Hadrian then heard something else, but it wasn't behind him. It was in the fields in front. He set Jack down, and stared at him sternly, "Go get your brother. Now."
"NOW!" Hadrian barked, noting the fear in Jacks eyes as he scurried off towards the hut.
Hadrian went a different way.
He reached the old metal shack. The shack was in poor condition, made of only scrap metal, and the lock was rusty and brown, signs of not being used in a long time. Pulling out the only key for the hut from his Tunic, he threw the lock aside and opened the door.
The anarments of the village were few and old, but they would have to do. Grabbing an old Sub Machine-gun, he loaded it with a clip, and took an extra one with him.
"Dad?" Matthew Came running towards him. Matthew was his eldest son, being 16. A good, strong boy. Sporting curly blonde hair, and strength form workign in the fields, he was the rightful, spitting image of his father, and next in line to beocme mayor of Snooze Land
"Matthew." Hadrian said without looking at him as he blew on a small whistle, its pearcing sound brekaing the nights silence, "Get the women and children out of here."
"What? Whats wrong Dad? Why do you have a gun?"
"Because." Hadrian said, dissapearing into the shack again, and remerging with a old .50 Desert Eagle, "We're under attack."
At that point a large magority of the males of the village showed up. All of them the members of the original people who had came here so many years ago and founded the town of Snooze Land. They all nodded at Hadrian, and fetched their weapons.
"Matthew, go, now!" Hadrian ordered as he and the men spanned out over the wooden fence built along the Village edge.
Matthew was in shock. Attack? How? His heart was pumping, and he was sweating as he went about into each house, nudging each occupant awake.
Gun fire erupted all around him. He was about to run for his own home, only to have bullets fly all around him. They were under attack!
"Matthew!!" Jack cried as he ran about. He had probably followed Matthew to the shack and heard the whole thing, and was now stuck in the open. Matthew acted instinctivly. Grabbing him up in one arm, he began to run. All around him women and children were screaming as he made his way down the street, away from the fighitng. He was to scared, and now acted only as a machine. Running away, he chanced a glimpse back. Men, outlined only by the fires they had just set to the homes, poured into the town, shooting everything. Anything that was to close they beat down with their guns and clubs, including the women and children.
After that Matthew could do nothing more. He turned away and ran. In a blink-of-an-eye he was in another grassy field on the other side of the village, eyes closed as he ran blindly away from the fires, the screaming, the killing.
He was just scared, he was running, running away from Snooze Land. His once peaceful home. It all felt like a dream, but to real. He continued to run, until the gires were just a distance haze in the night sky.
Er...i could have done much better. Should
have...I'll update it again with Chapter 2
later this week..