maybe you should. I already have, I just got rid of two swords. one manufactored, one hand crafted. don't base information about any replica you've held and say, jeez this isn't heavy. thats because it isn't a sword that would have been available in the medival ages. they used iron. unless your talking about short swords, which would be about 4-5 then yeah, but long swords were typically 10-14lbs. they did not have aluminum and modern steel working. they had forge hammared sharp rods of iron on a stick, to put it bluntly, and they don't compare to the typical sword available to the common sword collecter. oh by the way, the hand crafted sword I had, was made for my by my grandpa on my 15th birthday. (it wasn't free but I got a killer discount) hold a real sword made in the processes that was available in the 13 hundreds. its heavy.
Check the sources, your wrong. There many links in this thread, they counter what you claim. I don't know what swords you have or had, its does not matter. There are numerous sources to counter your claim, real swords for example.
I took 14th century german long sword fighting for a bit, so beside all the source, my personal experience counters yours.