Well, I have done away with the leaders of Mordino, Salvatore, and Wright. All that is left is Bishop. Whats that? Am I going to mow him down, turn his place into a warzone? No. That would be too ordinary. Instead I am going to pull a fast one on Bishop, really stick it to him with a betrayal, and fool myself into thinking that I am being original by it. I have incriminating evidence of Bishop's wrongdoings on a holodisk, audio only. Examining it says that Vault City would be interested in it.
My question is: Who do I take it to? First Citizen Lynette doesn't care for it and neither does Senior Councilman McLure. I have also checked at the Correction Center, whose Chief Officer should be concerned with such things. I can't find someone with dialogue option concerning the holodisk.
Please help me bring the law down on Bishop! I think he is the most typical, insecure, wanna-be tough guy out of the four bosses.